Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How To Control Panic Attacks

If you suffer from anxiety you most likely know that learning how to control panic attacks is an important step in the recovery process. Many people; however, find that traditional prescription medications provide little relief and often leave them feeling groggy and completely unlike their normal self. The good news is that there are ways in which you can control panic attacks that do not require any prescription medications. Read on for more details to find out how.

One of the first steps in learning how to control panic attacks is understanding that even though a panic attack can certainly be frightening at the time, there is no danger that you are going to die from it or that you will be hurt. While many people may feel as though they are going to lose control or go crazy during an attack, this is not actually accurate. Your body is simply responding in a biological manner to a perceived threat. The symptoms you experience during a panic attack are simply your body’s way of releasing the energy you will need to either remain and fight the danger that is perceived or flee from it. Even though you may feel as though you might be having a heart attack, losing control or going crazy, this is not the case. Work on re-training your mind to understand that none of this is going to happen.

It is also important to focus on slowing down in order to learn how to control panic attacks. One of the most common symptoms of a panic attack is an increased rate of breathing and heart rate. You can learn to control this; however, by regularly practicing breathing techniques and exercises. This will help to calm your racing thoughts as well as physically slow down your body. You can do this by inhaling and exhaling slowly and counting as you do so. As your body begins to calm and slow down many of the symptoms associated with panic attacks will also decrease including trembling, dizziness, confusion, muscle aches and tingling.

Other ways in which you can control panic attacks including contacting someone from your support system when you begin to feel first symptoms of a panic attack. This can help you to immediately take control of the situation. Even if you must speak to the person on the phone rather than in person, explaining how you are feeling can provide a good deal of comfort to immediately ease the situation.

Taking a walk to burn off the excess energy and adrenaline your body is releasing can also prove to be quite helpful.

Occupying your mind with something else when you begin to feel anxious is another great way to control panic attacks. Good ways you can do this include noticing details of what else is going on around you and listening to music. Even these simple acts can help to take your mind off the possibility of a panic attack and focus it on something more positive.

With these techniques and guidelines you can learn how to control panic attacks and begin to make the journey toward recovery.

Panic Attack Reviews |
Panic Away

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