Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Superhero

Greg Reyes saved my life.

My name is Dana. I was born in San Francisco, and raised in Marin County. I am 38 years old currently residing in Kirkland Washington.

I met Greg on his 40th birthday. I was working as an Event Producer for Bill Graham Presents in San Francisco, and planned Greg's surprise party with his lovely wife Penny. For the 8 months I worked on preparing for that event, I interviewed Greg's friends, family and coworkers to get an understanding of who he is as a person. Very quickly, I began to see and feel the positive effects this man has on the people around him.

It wasn't until 2 years later that I personally experienced Greg's generous spirit myself. You see, I had a mysterious illness that rendered me unable to continue my work as a producer. I began to experience severe neurological symptoms to the point of seizures. After many doctor's visits, it was determined that I had Lyme disease. What was most disturbing about this news was that because I had gone 5 years without treatment, I was now in the late stages of the disease. At 35, and at the height of my career, I had no choice but to leave the job I loved so well.

A year after I had to leave my job due to this illness, my state disability ended. I was still very ill, penniless and lost without proper care - and quite honestly ready to give up.

In a desperate attempt to survive, I sent out a letter to family and friends asking for help. Greg and Penny responded with a generous donation and a kind letter of support. With their donation I was able to get a barrage of critical tests that would finally determine my treatment plan and get me on the road to recovery.

Greg and Penny's interest in me didn't stop there. They have stayed in touch and kept up with my treatments and progress. While he barely knew me, Greg and Penny stepped in where my family could not. Their concern and care has gone way beyond the financial.

In the fall of '05, I was asked to be a character in a documentary film on Lyme disease; directed by Andy Abrahams Wilson.

Again, Greg took action and stepped up with a sizeable (anonymous) donation to the film. His contribution could save hundreds of thousands of people from the pain and suffering of Lyme. In addition, he took his time to offer me his counsel and support on how to retrieve my life and navigate my way through this illness.

I remember when I was starting to get anxious about how I would make a living and was looking to him for guidance on possible business ideas, he said,

"Let's get you well first so you can have the impact I know you can have"

That stuck with me. He saw me. He said "Let's". He could see my potential. And he took me on.

His giving is selfless. Nowhere does he gain from helping me. It is just in his soul. Greg inspires people to be their best. He is a rare and valuable human being.

Even though he was facing enormous challenges of his own, his commitment has been unwavering. With the Reyes' continued support I have received the care of one of the finest specialist in the world for this devastating disease. For the first time in nearly a decade, 1 have a chance at a wonderful life. Now, deeply in love and soon to be married, 1 have been resurrected.

Your Honor, I asked you to please use your heart to inform your mind when making your sentencing decision. Please hold together this beautiful family. Not just for their own lives and personal happiness, but for the many lives they touch and enrich.

Gregory Reyes

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