Thursday, August 27, 2009

Write That Letter Yourself and Save Big Bucks!

Do you have any idea how much money you can save by doing your own day-to-day home and business writing? Probably much more than you think.

Did you know that it can cost anywhere from $50 - $100 per hour for the services of a professional copywriter? That works out to an average cost of anywhere between $75 and $150 for a typical one page letter (i.e. 350-450 words).

In fact, I estimate that over the course of a year, the average person or small business could easily save hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars writing their own day-to-day documents.

You Can Do It Too...and you don't have to be much of a writer either.
As long as you have access to a few real life sample templates plus a good practical hands-on style guide, you will be in an excellent position to quickly and easily draft many of your own documents such as letters, resumes, reports, etc.Just drafting that day-to-day stuff alone should result in measurable savings. But wait until I tell you about the single biggest money-saving technique of all. You might be surprised ...

Get ready... are you sitting down? OK, drum roll please...

Your biggest savings can come from drafting your own legal letters!

That's right! No, I'm not kidding. And you DO NOT need to be a lawyer to do this.A number of years ago when I was going through a divorce-related legal dispute I realized that my lawyer was charging me $200+ every single time she sent out a standard one-page letter for me! This was ridiculous. Finally, I said enough was enough! After all, a lawyer is a pretty darn expensive copywriter, when you think about it. Over-qualified too!

And it really hurts when you realize that 9 times out of 10, the actual lawyer doesn't even write the letter; they just sign it.

In most cases, a legal assistant or secretary will prepare the draft letter based on a previous similar case; using a sample of course. When I focused on this I realized that many of these letters were routine short missives from one lawyer to another that simply explained my personal situation or position on a particular issue or point. A position of which I was already well aware, since I had told them exactly what it was!

Typically, my lawyer or her assistant would phone me to explain a situation that had occurred, or to pass on the contents of a letter they had received from the other party; in both cases their call was to find out my reaction and get my instructions to them. A few days later I would receive a copy of a letter that had been sent out on my behalf by my lawyer that was almost a word-for-word repetition of what I had told her over the phone just a few days before!

Watch That Legal Bill...

Then, to add insult to injury, at the end of the month I would receive an itemized statement from my lawyer in which I was billed at the full hourly rate for BOTH the phone call in which they obtained the information/instructions from me AND for the letter they had sent out, which was basically a verbatim quote of my own words to them.

Once I realized what was going on I started drafting my own legal letters!
From then on, whenever a letter was required, I would refer to samples of previous letters sent out by that same lawyer on my behalf, and would draft the new one myself.

It's not rocket science, believe me. Pretty well anyone who chooses to could draft many of their own legal letters. Of course, once written, I would e-mail my draft letter to the lawyer's office for review, revision, and signature on her letterhead.In most cases, they would simply print what I gave them on their own letterhead paper, the lawyer would sign it, and they would mail it out.A couple of times I compared, and they hadn't changed a single word from what I gave them! (Of course you have to watch your legal bills like a hawk to make sure they don't try to charge you for the letter that YOU wrote!).

Believe me. I saved hundreds, if not thousands, in legal fees doing this!

In fact, I would recommend that any time a high-priced professional such as a lawyer or accountant, needs to send a letter on your behalf, draft it yourself first (unless it is highly technical, and you don't feel qualified to do it).

You can even discuss the expected contents of your draft letter with your expert (i.e. lawyer, accountant, doctor, etc.) in advance to make sure you cover all of the relevant points from their perspective.

All You Need To Get Started...

As I mentioned earlier, all you need to get started are a few decent sample templates and a good practical hands-on style guide, and you will be in a great position to quickly and easily draft many of your own documents such as letters, resumes, reports, etc.

Getting hold of such a tool might cost you a one-time investment of $30 or so, but that single investment will be your key to saving yourself hundreds if not thousands of dollars over the years. Try to make sure you get a comprehensive writing style guide with real-life templates that you can use as models when drafting your own letters.

Shaun Fawcett is Webmaster of two of the most visited writing-help websites on the Net. He is the author of numerous "how-to" books on everyday practical writing help for home, business and educational writing. His Instant Home Writing Kit with real-life templates is a leading resource on how to write a wide range of business and personal documents including: business letters, personal letters, resumes, reports, e-mails, essays, etc.

Sample Business Letter.
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