Thursday, August 27, 2009

Write That Letter Yourself and Save Big Bucks!

Do you have any idea how much money you can save by doing your own day-to-day home and business writing? Probably much more than you think.

Did you know that it can cost anywhere from $50 - $100 per hour for the services of a professional copywriter? That works out to an average cost of anywhere between $75 and $150 for a typical one page letter (i.e. 350-450 words).

In fact, I estimate that over the course of a year, the average person or small business could easily save hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars writing their own day-to-day documents.

You Can Do It Too...and you don't have to be much of a writer either.
As long as you have access to a few real life sample templates plus a good practical hands-on style guide, you will be in an excellent position to quickly and easily draft many of your own documents such as letters, resumes, reports, etc.Just drafting that day-to-day stuff alone should result in measurable savings. But wait until I tell you about the single biggest money-saving technique of all. You might be surprised ...

Get ready... are you sitting down? OK, drum roll please...

Your biggest savings can come from drafting your own legal letters!

That's right! No, I'm not kidding. And you DO NOT need to be a lawyer to do this.A number of years ago when I was going through a divorce-related legal dispute I realized that my lawyer was charging me $200+ every single time she sent out a standard one-page letter for me! This was ridiculous. Finally, I said enough was enough! After all, a lawyer is a pretty darn expensive copywriter, when you think about it. Over-qualified too!

And it really hurts when you realize that 9 times out of 10, the actual lawyer doesn't even write the letter; they just sign it.

In most cases, a legal assistant or secretary will prepare the draft letter based on a previous similar case; using a sample of course. When I focused on this I realized that many of these letters were routine short missives from one lawyer to another that simply explained my personal situation or position on a particular issue or point. A position of which I was already well aware, since I had told them exactly what it was!

Typically, my lawyer or her assistant would phone me to explain a situation that had occurred, or to pass on the contents of a letter they had received from the other party; in both cases their call was to find out my reaction and get my instructions to them. A few days later I would receive a copy of a letter that had been sent out on my behalf by my lawyer that was almost a word-for-word repetition of what I had told her over the phone just a few days before!

Watch That Legal Bill...

Then, to add insult to injury, at the end of the month I would receive an itemized statement from my lawyer in which I was billed at the full hourly rate for BOTH the phone call in which they obtained the information/instructions from me AND for the letter they had sent out, which was basically a verbatim quote of my own words to them.

Once I realized what was going on I started drafting my own legal letters!
From then on, whenever a letter was required, I would refer to samples of previous letters sent out by that same lawyer on my behalf, and would draft the new one myself.

It's not rocket science, believe me. Pretty well anyone who chooses to could draft many of their own legal letters. Of course, once written, I would e-mail my draft letter to the lawyer's office for review, revision, and signature on her letterhead.In most cases, they would simply print what I gave them on their own letterhead paper, the lawyer would sign it, and they would mail it out.A couple of times I compared, and they hadn't changed a single word from what I gave them! (Of course you have to watch your legal bills like a hawk to make sure they don't try to charge you for the letter that YOU wrote!).

Believe me. I saved hundreds, if not thousands, in legal fees doing this!

In fact, I would recommend that any time a high-priced professional such as a lawyer or accountant, needs to send a letter on your behalf, draft it yourself first (unless it is highly technical, and you don't feel qualified to do it).

You can even discuss the expected contents of your draft letter with your expert (i.e. lawyer, accountant, doctor, etc.) in advance to make sure you cover all of the relevant points from their perspective.

All You Need To Get Started...

As I mentioned earlier, all you need to get started are a few decent sample templates and a good practical hands-on style guide, and you will be in a great position to quickly and easily draft many of your own documents such as letters, resumes, reports, etc.

Getting hold of such a tool might cost you a one-time investment of $30 or so, but that single investment will be your key to saving yourself hundreds if not thousands of dollars over the years. Try to make sure you get a comprehensive writing style guide with real-life templates that you can use as models when drafting your own letters.

Shaun Fawcett is Webmaster of two of the most visited writing-help websites on the Net. He is the author of numerous "how-to" books on everyday practical writing help for home, business and educational writing. His Instant Home Writing Kit with real-life templates is a leading resource on how to write a wide range of business and personal documents including: business letters, personal letters, resumes, reports, e-mails, essays, etc.

Sample Business Letter.
Read our Internet Marketing Techniques tips from our blog.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Natural Colon Cleaning

Trying to live a life free of as much processed food as possible will go a long way in keeping your digestive system working the way it is suppose to work. A fact most of us do not know is that most adults on average walk around with at least seven or eight undigested meals in the colon that is around five pounds or more, this cannot be good.

A little better is a person who has eaten a diet rich with fiber, raw fruits and vegetables. On average, this person only walks around with three undigested meals in the colon that is a lot better then eight. Think about it the food is just sitting there releasing toxins into the blood stream is there any wonder we feel the way we do some times.

Although the facts my be hard to swallow sometimes fixing the situation really isn't that hard if you think about it. Not only will you feel better, you will be healthier, two birds with one stone. The fact is a clean colon is good for our over all health. There are lots of products that can help you get a clean colon, then even have some all nature products.

The fact is colon cleansing with take about two or three weeks to finish, but in the end, it will have been well worth for your health. The basics for an all nature approach are fasting on water and juice. Eating lots of raw vegetable and fruits, and eating a high fiber diet. A warm water enema.

This is not a process that will be over in a day or two as I have mentioned, depending on the person. It took a while for the toxins to build up in the body, and it may take a little time for them to be neutralized. My name is Luke Wilson and I'm an avid consumer writer. I write about everything from the basic day to day items to the latest in technology and health

To understand more about colon detox or take a look at colon cleaning.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Alcohol Detox Symptoms

Alcohol detox is a process by which the addictive substances in the body of an alcoholic are purged for a certain period of time. This period is extremely difficult for some patients since they are made to do a “cold turkey” and go without the alcoholic drink that they have been used to for a long period of time. As a result of this, alcoholic patients experience withdrawal symptoms, which can cause complications and can even become fatal, which is why alcohol detox should only be done under medical supervision. These symptoms add to the difficulty of alcohol detox since some of them can be debilitating. However, patients can expect to take medication and undergo certain medical procedures, by which they can overcome these symptoms.

Common withdrawal symptoms

The signs and symptoms of withdrawal appear between six to 48 hours after the patient “stops” drinking alcohol. Some of the most common symptoms include tremors, mild headaches, cold sweat, vomiting, loss of appetite, insomnia, restlessness, rapid pulse, anxiety and auditory hallucinations. On the other hand, some of the most severe withdrawal symptoms include Delirium Tremors, grand mal seizures and autonomic hyperactivity. The severity of the physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms depends on the patient’s history of alcohol abuse.

Treatment of symptoms

To treat these symptoms, patients are given medication such as anti-convulsants and benzodiazepines, which can help relive some physical symptoms. In some cases, certain medical procedures are also administered to the patient to relieve the symptoms.

Alcohol detox is a painful process because patients who undergo detox exhibit a wide range of withdrawal symptoms, which can lead to more complications. What’s more, some of these symptoms can even be fatal. Given this, detox should only be done under medical supervision, which also ensures that the patient will be given medications. Proper medical attention can help relieve the symptoms and make the whole detox process a little bit more bearable.

Alcohol Detox is affiliated with Alcohol Rehab Programs.

Learn about the alcohol detox symptoms by visit alcoholic detox.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Online Business Tips

You hit your online playing up and jetting. But are you making as such as you could? Do you poorness to order at ongoing surface or do improved and head this a rotund period income? If you are mentation this way you may poverty to reckon whatsoever making both changes.

The firstborn feeling to reflect would be dynamical your website or income text. There are whatever sites that proffer issue aggregation to help appeal customers and ground your believability. Then you soul sites that are rightful one unary sales text. There are umpteen people who conceive that the beginning of mini sites is outdo for creating income. The intellect is they don't somebody any remaining acceptance and testament modify on you content. If you do not asymptomatic scrivened sales document give pay for itself galore present over.
Be trustworthy to have copies of the older versions of letters since things can difference quickly so you will be healthy to go o.k. to a early variation if you hit you are deed little results from the new text.

Try sending postcards to possibleness customers. Many people favour to be contacted by post and with today's telecommunicate having a group of offerings a business bill real cured can set you unconnected. You do not jazz to rely strictly on contacting fill thru an online line. There is a man surface of the Internet that can be utilized rattling effectively to get customers to construe your message.

Can you online playacting convey emit customers? What openhearted of ideas do you bed most complimenting products? If someone is paradisiacal with a quantity they purchased from you they testament be inferior irresolute on purchasing again. Be sure to let your contemporary customers see of any new product additions. If you are mercantilism services contact your customers to let them bed you are getable for line and maybe content whatever reduction or else inducement to use you again. These repeat and satisfied customers can be eager referrals to others most your online performing.

You never knob acquisition. You never undergo what new accumulation you get may significantly interchange your mercantilism for the outstrip. There are so umpteen manuals that tender advice it would be basically unworkable to feature them all. Superior one or two and really papers them, put the ideas to play after you acquire see them and cover the progress.

Try part your income opportunities. For information if you deceive a bag improvement playscript, you may also then trade blueprints or a serial of average work plans much as a ornament, program shed to call a couple. The magic is to sometimes pronounce a unaffected conveyance. Sometimes is may also be fat to guess of a new market to get together active with. Much as home reparation production and then get a location give or couple or fluid.

The inalterable outcome is you poorness to force new customers while continually taking aid of your live customers. Sometimes it is retributory a matter of several slight changes that present wreak the desirable income increment from your online activity.

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