Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Adventures with Hypnosis

In 1949, I had a real problem with a dental phobia. Four dentists had turned me down as a patient. I had two abscessed teeth and a mouthful of other cavities. My dental phobia was so bad that it had forced me to go to a hospital some years earlier in order to have three abscessed teeth removed while I was unconscious.

I went to a dental convention where I found the recommended dentist who did hypnosis. He couldn't work on my teeth, but he said he thought he could help me. So, at the lunch break, I went to his room with several other dentists, and he hypnotized me with a “standard” induction technique. Then, he taught me a psychological trick of relaxation. If I raised my left hand whenever I felt my right hand becoming a fist, indicating tension, the dentist would stop, and I would relax my right hand, and lower my left hand.) I didn't believe it would work, but I made an appointment with the last dentist who had turned me down and had recommended hypnosis.

For the first few minutes, I kept raising my left hand, and he stopped immediately. After that, I didn't need to raise my left hand much at all, and he worked fast.

He pulled the two bad teeth, and drilled and filled a dozen more in one single hour and half session. I had Novocain for the bad ones, and didn't need it for the others. Both the dentist and I were amazed at this, and he asked if I were really twins

To me, a 22-year-old engineering student, this was a genuine “miracle”, and I started to learn all I could about this miracle cure. I read everything I could find, from the 1700's literature about Mesmer, Coue, etc, up to Erickson, Barber, etc.

I became an electronic engineer, and pursued this as my major career, but my avocation continued to be hypnosis, and by extension, psychology. (Much of behavior psychology is similar to hypnosis). I used it professionally, taught it in a major university to doctors, and continued to learn about it. I performed some “shows”, and considered a career as a stage hypnotist, but was more interested in using it for helping people, as it had helped me.

In 1979, I left electronic engineering, and turned to psychology. I went back and obtained a Doctorate in Psychology based on my education, life experience, and my doctoral dissertation. I became a successful Behaviorist Psychologist for years in private practice in Florida. I gradually converted to an Orthomolecular practice when I found that these types of therapies worked better than any “talk therapy”, although talk therapy is sometimes useful as well.

Hypnotic Relaxation

During this many years of study, and later career as a psychologist, I realized that what that original dentist who hypnotized me had actually done. With hypnosis, he had simply given me a “new” conscious tool of relaxation. Using this simple tool, I could actually change something in my unconscious called a “phobia”. It wasn't really a miracle, though I had thought so at the time. Adding this knowledge to my knowledge of Pavlovian “conditioning responses”, I came up with what I called the Bate Relaxation Technique.

This is very simple, yet it can be very powerful - much more powerful than most realize because of its simplicity. It starts with a general hypnotic induction technique of relaxing the body muscles, starting with the toes and going up to the scalp and face. Then, in a state of muscle relaxation, ask the subject to visualize a very beautiful relaxing scene he/she is in. Describe the scene. Ask them to concentrate on how beautiful and very relaxing it is.

Then, ask the subject to memorize the feelings of relaxation and concentration they are feeling at that time. Have them put these feelings into their memory like a photograph. Then, give them a post-hypnotic suggestion that they can now recall those feeling any time they simply count to three. End the session, and have the subject stand up, take a deep breath and simply count to three.

It's simply amazing how the shoulders often slump 2-3 inches or some other muscles that the subject usually tenses from stress relax. I describe the “strange” feeling as sort of a “blah” feeling. (As subjects stand up from the session, their “normal” pattern of muscle stress takes effect, and the “instant” relaxation is definitely experienced.)

I then tell the subject that they now have the pattern, but it up to them to use it often, several times a day, even if not needed, for the next week or so. This will set this pattern into their unconscious as a “conditioned response”. (Remember Pavlov's dog?) Now, they have the same tool I got from the original dentist, but it is much more enhanced and valuable. It instantly relieves stress of any kind.

Driving a car a long distance is very stressful. My wife and I recently drove over 20 hours straight thru, with me driving about 14 of those hours. At 78 years old, that's not “usual”. The secret - we both simply count to three every so often and are able to relax behind the wheel. Muscle tension is very tiring, and few are able to relax this muscle tension behind the wheel.

This relaxation technique is very useful in many ways in helping to solve psychological problems of phobias, compulsions, and even some serious physical problems. I was able to solve dozens of Asthma problems in all persons between 7 and 15 years old, and was often successful with older persons as well. (Kids in this age range are very suggestible; some adults are too cynical.)

The system is simple, but effective. First, teach the relaxation. Then, have the patient emulate a really bad asthma attack. “Come on, get really bad, your throat is closing more and more.” It's getting worse and worse.” When the patient really starts to become in distress, say, “Now, count to three”. As he gets to three, he relaxes, and says, “Now, it's gone, and you are in control”.
Many years ago, I did this routine on the 14-year-old son of lifelong friends. When I was visiting them a few years ago, I walked into the store of the son, and he recognized me immediately. I was surprised as it had been over 20 years since he had seen me. He said, “Do you think I could ever forget the man who cured my Asthma?”
It was another great day for my ego.

There's nothing magical or even mysterious about it. All you are doing is teaching a new “trick” to the unconscious mind. This “trick” of instant relaxation is learned as a conditioned response by repetition and use. It becomes a tool for the conscious mind to use in all types of situations to reduce stress. As everybody knows, stress ages us, diminishes the immune system, and helps to kill us.

The various forms of yoga and other meditation techniques are similar, yet different. They relieve stress of course, but are of little use in immediate stressful situations. This relaxation is immediate.

This also can be used for self-hypnosis, positive statements and visualizations.

I also used it for patients that wanted to stop smoking as a “substitute” for that instant craving that comes to an addicted smoker.

One idea makes a lot of people “afraid” of hypnosis. The idea that another person has “control” over them, and can make them do literally anything. Every experiment ever conducted has shown that this is simply not true. Hypnosis cannot force a person to do anything that is against his/her moral code. The unconscious mind is very protective, and is what we are working with either with hypnosis or subliminal training.

There is some possibility of “indirect” misuse of hypnosis. I once witnessed a hypnotist demonstrating this. He had a very attractive woman who was very hypnotizable (instantly into somnambulism by snapping his fingers). He hypnotized her, and told her to take off her clothes. She awoke instantly and was embarrassed, but had no conscious memory of why.

He then hypnotized her again, and this time, told her that she was at home in her bathroom with the door closed, and she was going to take a bath. She calmly started to take off her clothes. He stopped her before she got too far, but she was obviously going to completely strip.

It was interesting how he stopped her. He told her that someone had come into her home, and was near the bathroom door. She said, “Don't come in. I'm not dressed”.

He then had her get dressed, and woke her. She had no memory of the incident.

When I was a young man, I had a girlfriend who I had sex with once or twice. And she had been hypnotized several times as well. One night I wanted sex, but she didn't. I used the cue that hypnotized her, but to no avail. She refused, even hypnotized. So, the idea that someone can make you do something you do not want to do is false. I can testify to that personally. Our unconscious mind is very protective of us in all ways, even though some ways may be wrong.

Of course, if you work with either hypnosis or subliminal training, or virtually any type of serious psychology you have to be aware of the unconscious mind, as that entity is always what you are trying to influence.

Hypnotic Age Regression

This is a very useful tool for a psychologist, or, for that matter, any doctor of any stripe. Under even “light” hypnosis, it can be used to “pull” details from the life of the patient that he/she has forgotten consciously. (The unconscious memory has everything in it.)

There are several “tricks of the trade” involved. After my Relaxation Technique, I used a “deepening” technique that went something like this, “Now, I want you to imagine and visualize yourself going down an escalator as I count to ten. One, imagine yourself stepping on and feeling the steps form under your feet. Two, as you move down, relax even more. Three, as you go down further, concentrate more and more. Four, and as you relax more, you can concentrate more. Five, this positive circle of concentration and relaxation continues as you move down.”

Continue with similar repetitions thru nine, and then, “Ten, step off the escalator into a room. This room is yours alone. It is only in your mind, and no one else can ever get into it. You can make it anything you want. In this room, you can do anything or visualize anything that will help you to be a better person. In this room you can remember anything you want.”

Next, I would start the questioning. For example, a man came to me to try to find a lost valuable diamond engagement ring. He and his fiancé had broken up, and she had returned the ring to him. He remembered taking the ring, but when he got home, he couldn't find it at all. I did the above technique, and then started.

I said. “I want to you to go back in time to the moment when she handed you the ring. Where were you and she at that time?”

He replied, “We were in her living room.”

“Alright, see yourself taking the ring. What did you do with it?”

He said, “I'm putting it into my small watch pocket of my jeans.”

“OK, now you are leaving her. What happened next?”

“I'm getting into my car, and driving home”

“Good, what happens next?”

“I'm going into my bedroom, and changing clothes.”


“I have to go to a baseball presentation dinner.”

“OK, what did you do with your jeans?”

“Oh NO! I had put them in the washer!”

That was the story. He went home and found the ring stuck in the washer. (The usual story of such is that it gets caught in the “U” drain under a sink.) This illustrates the value of “age regression” as a memory aid.

Of course, it's also useful to uncover the beginnings of phobias and compulsions. A woman came to me with a cat phobia and asthma. I did the usual as above, and with a couple of other useful techniques found the problem. One “trick” is to say, “OK, now you are going back in time. It is your 15th birthday. You are awake in that morning. Do you have asthma?”

She replied, “yes.” (She had earlier said on intake questioning that her asthma had started very early. I start well past that so as to get the patient used to going back.)

“Ok, now you are ten years old, just waking up on your birthday. Do you have asthma now?” Same answer.
“OK, you are now five years old, on your birthday. Do you have asthma now?” Same answer

I worked back thru 4 and 3 and 2, 1, and started back in months. I got to the ninth month, and she didn't have asthma. Still she had no memory of anything that was related. So, I went to her tenth month, and went backwards, day to day with the same question. I got to the day when she did have asthma. Now I asked her, “What happened to you during the last day that caused you to have asthma? I am going to count to three, and when I get to three, you will remember everything. One, you're starting to remember. Two, memory is coming back. Three, you now remember everything.”

She then related, “I was lying on my back in a crib, and the cat jumped into the crib, and lay across my mouth. I couldn't breathe, or call out, and I was scared. I don't know what happened, but I think I hit the cat, and she went off me.”

It was two birds with one stone. Cat phobia, and asthma caused at that point. Asthma is often a “protective” device used to keep oxygen in the body. Most can easily breath in but have real problems breathing out. This was her case.

Then, we get to the really interesting part. Age regression to past lives. As an agnostic, I don't really know if the many stories I have heard from many persons are true, or something from the universal mind or what?

Probably the single most impressive story is from the man who came to me with two lifelong phobias that he had had since earliest memory. He was deathly afraid of fire and water. He thought that these phobias might be from past lives, and asked me to try to find out.

He was easily hypnotizable, and with little urging went back thru birth to the previous life. He had been a circus clown, and been burned to death in a circus fire. It was then simple to go back to a previous life to that. It seems that he had stolen a horse, and was caught. The vigilantes didn't have a tree, so they hanged him from a bridge. The rope broke, and he drowned. Of course, it took much more time to go thru, and some suggestions from me. He was cured according to a phone call a week later.

I've had several such interesting cases. Another was fascinating to me. Under hypnosis, a man kept saying, “All I can see is a bird”. I kept after him about this bird for 10 or more minutes, but he couldn't see much more than this bird. Finally, he said, “It's a black bird, and it's on my shield”.

I pressed him harder about his shield, and did he have a sword and a horse. He suddenly screamed, “There's blood all around me, and all over me and my horse. I'm killing people all around with my sword, and they're trying to kill me! ”

I questioned him closely, and it became evident that the date was 1066 at the battle of Hastings as the Normans conquered England.

Is the story true? I cannot say with any certainty, but it was impressive.

When I gave seminars and talks on hypnosis, I usually finished with doing my Relaxation Technique, and my deepening. Then, I would say, “In your room, sitting comfortably, I want you to let your mind go out of your body. Let it go out into space, and as you see earth behind you as that familiar blue and white marble, see space as almost velvety, with stars and planets being very clear and steady. It's really beautiful out here in space. Now, you are coming to a white cloud that is getting bigger and bigger, and you are now entering it. On the other side, there is another blue marble world. As you approach, it looks like Earth, but as you get really close, you see no huge cities, but beautiful parks and lovely buildings that seem to be a part of the landscape. As you come to it, and walk about, you notice that the people are all friendly, and the animals are all friendly, and the gardens and parks all around are simply the loveliest you have ever seen. You are filled with the same sort of happiness that it seems everybody there has. You are at peace with yourself and that place.”

“Now, it's time to leave, and we are going back into space again. Ahead of us is that same white cloud, and this time, as we enter it, we make a left turn, and we are now going back in time. The year is 1700 on Earth, and as we come back to Earth in that time, we are going to each go into a body in that time and place. I want you to look at your feet, and your clothes, and your surroundings, and have a sense of who you are in that body. Now, it's time to return. We are leaving this time and place, and going back thru that white cloud, and back to that blue marble of earth, and back to that comfortable seat, and into your own body again. As I count to three backwards, you are gong to awaken, not drowsy or sleepy or affected by my voice at all, and you will remember everything you experienced.”

Then, I count, “Three, two, one, awake fully awake. Now, how many persons really experienced that beautiful planet?”

About a third or more really did visualize it clearly. (A few were somewhat angry with me for not leaving them longer!) Then I asked, “Now, how many persons experienced themselves in 1700?” Surprisingly, about one third had very good and clear visualizations. One woman was indignant “I had bare feet, and scratched legs, and I was a serving woman”. She had a very high opinion of herself in this life obviously. Needless to say, these stories were very interesting, and varied. One woman impressed me with, “I was in a dark place waiting to be born.”

Of course, such stories do not prove anything. They could be products of imagination, or simply scraps of something from the unconscious or universal mind. However, or whatever they are, taken in bulk from honest persons with no known vested interest, they do prove something beyond our conscious knowledge.

An “Impossible” Story

Here's a true story that is unbelievable to many people. In reading about hypnosis, I came across an article where a professional hypnotist had claimed that he had been able to increase a woman's breast size using hypnosis. I dismissed that claim until in 1978; I read an article by Dr Ted X. Barber in the Journal of Clinical Hypnosis about hypnotic phenomena. This article discussed many different hypnotic phenomena, including several experiments at several different colleges that had all done a similar experiment. As I recall (at this much later date), each college used 8-12 women, all of whom were somewhat flat chested, and all wanted larger breasts.

All were carefully measured, above and below the actual breasts, and across them at the nipples. Once a week for 12 weeks, they were hypnotized as a group, and told to visualize things like, “See yourself in a mirror naked with larger breasts. Admire your larger breasts. See how good they look, and how good you feel with them. Now, see yourself dressed in a very becoming dress, and how well it looks on you with your new breasts. It increases your self-confidence as well. “

These comments were repeated several times. As I recall, the average for all of the various experiments was that 80% actually increased their breast size, and the average increase was 2.1 inches.

Let's take another deeper look at this. The average success rate for losing weight by hypnosis is considered to be less than 65%. In other less reported breast size experiments, DECREASING breast size in women with overly large breasts, the success rate was negligible.

In addition, this suggestion is specific - add body cells to a certain part of the body only! We have no knowledge if actual mammary cells were added, or only fat cells, but still!!!

I've won two bets from other psychologists that this story was published in a reputable scientific journal. I made a hypnosis tape specifically for “breast enlargement”, and heard for a few of the women who purchased it that it did indeed work for them. Unfortunately, few people report either success or failure.

Why doesn't hypnosis work better on the “lesser task” of losing weight, or losing breast weight? The explanation is difficult, but in my experience the social “advantage” to women of large breasts inhibits the unconscious from losing this “advantage”. Some women are “punishing” their selves (or their husbands) by being fat. (Sort of “love me for me, not for my body”). Motives of the unconscious mind are often murky and difficult for our conscious minds to understand. The computer analogy of “garbage in - garbage out” applies here.

Harmful Unconscious Ideas

The unconscious mind can be a force for good or bad. It apparently doesn't discriminate - again like a computer. If a virus gets in, it can distort many other programs in different ways.

Let's examine a very illustrative case. A woman brought in her 8 year old boy for hypnosis for bedwetting. I did the usual direct suggestion, and told her to keep him off all milk products for at least a week.

Two days later, she and her son were back. No success. This time, I did age regression hypnosis. He went back (with a little urging) to when he was 4. He was in bed almost asleep when he heard someone trying to get in his window. He was so scared that he wet himself, and cried out. The burglar (real or imagined) left. The unconscious “logic” to this boy - urination protects from intruders in night. It wasn't difficult to remove this logic (computer virus), and his mother said that he hadn't wet again a few months later.

The great master of hypnotic therapy, Milton Erickson, once had an almost comic situation that he solved in a unique way. It seems that a recently married couple came to him because each was a bed wetter. On their honeymoon, the bed was wet each morning, and each thought the other was very thoughtful in not mentioning it. After a few days, they each confessed and came to Erickson.

He made them agree to do exactly what he said, and then told them to kneel on the bed when they were ready for sleep and each had to urinate, and then sleep in it. They came back several days later, and they had kept their word. He then told them, “Since you did as I told you, tonight you can go to bed normally without the urination, and come back tomorrow”. The next day, they said the bed was dry in the morning, so he “allowed” them another dry night. Then another, and then he declared them “cured”.

These two stories illustrate the immense power of the unconscious for both good and bad. One of the major jobs of the unconscious mind is to “protect” the physical body (home of the unconscious mind) from harm. If a threat is perceived whether real or imaginary, it goes into action, even if the action may be harmful to itself.

Phil Bate PhD - Retired Orthomolecular Psychologist
Inventor and Patent Pending Holder for
Brain Wave Amplitude Changing via Auditory Training


hypnosis quit smoking

Choosing The Best Travel Accommodation In Bali

As the prominent tourist destination, Bali has abundance choice of accommodation. It is ranged from budget hotel, guesthouse run by local people, cottage, bungalow, boutique hotel, luxury villa, to the international 5 star hotels. The accommodation spread up throughout Bali.

Cluster accommodation is not only to be found in crowd/centre tourist area, but also found even at secluded area. Hotel styles vary from traditional style to modern design. The tourists in Bali mostly favour Balinese style hotels. You’ll be easily to find a hotel that suits your needs either beach/lake side, cool mountain area, rice field view, hilltop, riverbanks, tropical garden, traditional village surroundings, town-centred, etc.

However, there are many things to consider when choosing your travel accommodations. The decision could make your trip fun or a disappointment. Choosing the right hotel is a must. Most travellers spend more time in airline ticket reservations and bargains but less time in choosing the right accommodations. Thus they may end up on the wrong side of the bed during their stay.

To get the most out of your hotel accommodations, remember to book as early as possible and make your dates more flexible. Hotels that specialize for business people will consider weekends as off-season. Family vacationers could tap into these special packages during weekends. Primarily, you should choose your hotel based on name, amenities, features, price, packages and location.

Here are some considerations in choosing your best travel accommodations:

1. Accommodations should be family-friendly. Always ask if your hotel offers children activity areas with educational and fun activities supervised by duly trained caregivers.

2. Your hotel should provide a swimming pool for children, day care service, crib rental and child-proof electrical outlets.

3. Stay in a hotel that has electronic room-key cards and has a security viewer installed on their doors.

4. Make it a priority to choose a room on the upper floor.

5. If you're the one who likes to spend more time in your hotel room and the balcony, you should ask for the available amenities and the conditions of the surrounding environment.

6. Depending on whether you're on a private or business trip, ask your hotel about the availability of laundry service, hair dryers, coffee makers, newspapers, free meals, fax machine, bar, cable television, parking, shuttle service, internet connection, etc.

7. The hotel property layout and its location may speak more of its surrounding environment. Noisy locations such as construction on adjacent property, car traffic and noisy waterfalls are not specified on hotel flyers. So be sure to ask about it.

8. Beautifully landscaped surroundings with trees, flowers and inner courts also enhance your travel pleasure. Moreover, gift shops and restaurants all add up to a wonderful travel experience.

9. The location of your hotel with respect to main attraction is equally important. It could save you money on taxi and bus fare.

10. Make sure that the room service is provided 24 hours a day.

11. Check out the room itself. Is it brightly coloured or classical? It sets the mood of your travel.

In order to get the most out of your travel, whether for business or family vacations, be sure to know everything about the hotel you are planning to check in to. Ask friends and relatives who have been there. Don't just depend on the hotel's web page, which is undoubtedly biased. Having to stay in a hotel, which you don’t like, could ruin your trip.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Foreclosure Homes for Sale

Are you on a small budget, but you want to purchase a home? If you are on a small budget, and you want to get a home, to start living as a family in an area that you love, look towards homes that have recently been foreclosed. A foreclosure is one that someone else has lost. The homeowner may not have been able to keep up on their mortgage payments, and the bank has taken over the property. Banks and financial companies don’t like to hold onto these properties for long, because of the interest, the payments and the money that is being lost over all.

To find a home that has been through foreclosure you can begin your search online or offline. Many links to foreclosure companies and banks are going to offer listings of where foreclosure homes have been located. A foreclosure company is going to offer great rates, and will offer great prices on homes that they want to sell.

While nothing can be done for those who have been through the foreclosure process, and for those who have lost their homes, you can take advantage of the situation. You can purchase home, at a reasonable cost, and create a home for your family.

To purchase a home that has been through foreclosure, the process is going to be very similar to that of any other mortgage. You will have to apply for a mortgage, you will have to pass the background check, and you will be subject to interest costs, and closing costs of the mortgage. A foreclosure home may require some additional legal background work, so you will need to hire an attorney to look out for your best interests.

A foreclosure home is one that has been abandoned because the previous owners could no longer pay for the home. You will find that many types, sizes, and styles of homes are often included on the foreclosure listings by banks. You will find one bedroom homes, two bedrooms homes, rental units, retail and commercial buildings and you will find luxury homes, vacation homes, even mansions included on foreclosure listings.

The home of your dreams could be very affordable if you take the time to look at the foreclosure listings. The foreclosure listings will give you an idea of the city and the state where the home is located, and from there you are often required to contact the bank, the financial company or perhaps a real estate agent as listed, to find out more about the property. The only limitations you will have in purchasing foreclosure homes is going to be your credit limit and where you want to live. Homes from across the nation, from Vegas, California, to Virginia, Florida and in Washington are available for purchase.

And try also at Lake Tapps Homes for Sale.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Expired Domains Targeted Website Traffic

An average of 19,260 domain names expire every day. This number has increased tremendously since the same time last year when expired domain name figures were more like 1,200 daily. The expired domain name market is becoming increasingly popular with webmasters, who are locked in a fierce competition to stay one step ahead and get all the best domain names. The question is why do webmasters find someone else's old domain name so interesting?

What happens a lot of the time is people register a domain name, or purchase it for a year, they develop a web site and advertise it, to get targeted traffic. This takes a lot of time, money and effort, then due to unfortunate circumstances they may forget to re-register their domain, either they have lost interest, over looked a reminder that domain renewal was due or changed their e-mail address during the year that they used to register. Then just like that the domain name is up for sale.

Because of this, the domain, or address that they have created and all targeted traffic with the domain name becomes available for purchase. Thousands of these expired domain names are available every day. There are several tricks to knowing how to find these domain names, and how to know which domain names are valuable and which are not, and, most importantly, how to get to them first.

There are many benefits for picking up an expired domain name, unlike a new domain name, the expired name already has traffic that can come from search engine promotion, directories, forums, back links and a whole host of other promotion methods. Webmasters are using this to their advantage, either selling the domains for a profit, selling a web site with traffic already entering the site, or use as valuable sub domains for their own enterprise, thus increasing traffic to their own sites.

Quite often webmasters will register with an online service that notifies them daily of pending expiry of domain names, that will soon be up for purchase. This can keep a web master that desired extra step ahead of competitors. Competition for expired domain names, especially one word, catchy .com names is fierce, as they are in high demand and easy to remember, having most likely been around for a long time. So it is not surprising that some of them can be very valuable, for instance, a domain name could sell for $1M, yet it only costs $10 to re-register.

Benefits for acquiring an expired domain name are numerous, depending on what you want to do with it. For a small sum of around $10-$15 you have the potential of increasing traffic to your web site instantly, saving you a considerable amount of time, money and bother. It could be the cheapest targeted web site traffic around.

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Learning Piano Without Years of Lessons!

So, you want to learn the piano. But you don't want to spend years learning how to read music.

That's understandable. Learning piano doesn't have to be the hard chore so many believe it to be. In fact, it can be quite easy IF YOU START BY LEARNING CHORDS!

For example, in the lesson "Reflections in Water," available below, we have four chords and a scale to create music with. We don't need to read music and we don't need piano tabs either. All we need is to learn how to finger one chord position and play the C Major scale. Then we can use these materials to create music with.

Learning piano this way is infinitely easier (and more rewarding!) than learning how to note read because we create it ourselves!

Once we have the chords under our fingers, we can explore the piano in a way that may never have been possible for you before. Many piano students don't believe they have talent or skill to improvise but this is simply not true. All that is required is the desire to try it. Once students jump in the water, they can't wait to take a swim and then they're hooked!

Learning piano without years of lessons is not difficult. All it takes is the ability to learn a few chords and then experiment with them.

Now, if learning classical repertoire is your goal, then of course you're going to have to learn how to read music. But reading music is not necessary in order to play the piano. Learning chords is!

Find out how you can learn to play piano online.
Learn what is the best piano course so you can teach yourself to play piano.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Newborn Baby Gift Baskets as New Baby Gifts?

The birth of a new baby brings about a joy and a need to share such a feeling with the infant's immediate family. You feel compelled to shop for a delightful gift but do not have the time to meet such a task. You may also be a member of the male gender who has nary a clue on what particular type of new baby gifts should be considered. This is precisely the time to use Newborn Baby Gift Baskets as your effective and efficient means to get the job accomplished within the least amount of time.

How so? Let's first point out that the contents of the basket can contain a multitude of the items traditionally suitable for the needs of the new little prince or princess. They can include cozy wearables such as one-piece outfits, gowns, caps, and booties. Blankets, burp cloths, washcloths and hooded towels and more may also be a part of the package as well.

The Newborn Baby Gift Baskets can also contain playful new baby gifts of stuffed animals, sippy cups and tub toys. Some have lullaby CD's to calm the baby at bedtime and perhaps the parents as well. There may also be tasty goodies for Mom and Dad to savor while the baby is sound asleep.

My question is how long would it take to shop for and purchase these individual items? The answer is too long for the average person who has barely enough time to do everything else as it is. Are you one of those who realistically could not sacrifice the time to search high and low for just the right type of gifts?

That's the glory of Newborn Baby Gift Baskets. You can get to purchase one that includes some, most, or all of the contents listed above in one fell swoop. They can also be delivered to the doorstep of the lucky beneficiary on your behalf by a worthy online purveyor of these treasures. They can be customized to be for a boy or girl. Many of these types of new baby gifts also are within a beautiful container that the family can have as a keepsake to remind them of your generosity forever. So what's not to love about each of these attributes? Why not get all at the same time to make your life more manageable?

Take the advice of aGiftBasketParadise.com and celebrate the birth of an innocent child with one of the many Newborn Baby Gift Baskets to choose from. Let the family with the precious babe know that you want to make their lives easier with new baby gifts that they will never forget.

Brian is the owner of Gift Basket Paradise and and invites you to visit his Baby Gift Baskets webpage at http://www.agiftbasketparadise.com for newborn baby gift basket ideas for boys and girls.

For the best unique baby gifts, visit Simply Unique Baby Gifts where you will find a large selection of baby gift baskets free shipping for boy, girls, unisex and twins.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Personalized Baby Gifts - unique gift for a newborn baby: no one else will be

When it comes to picking up personalized baby gifts, parents and friends of parents tend to go overboard one way or the other. Some people choose personalized baby gifts based on the baby's sex or perceived athletic proclivities. Others buy up initialized hoodies, knitted blankets, customizable teddy bears, and the like. Still others go for the "outrageous" but useless by buying stars, planets, or even a piece of land on the moon for their lucky little ones.

If you want to stray from the beaten path of personalized baby gifts, consider ordering a personalized magazine cover. If you've got a photo of the young whippersnapper, you can easily digitally upload it and create a hilarious and/or moving tribute. Customize your headlines, add thoughtful notes, poetry, song lyrics, bits of advice, or silly goo-goo talk in the headline areas. You can craft the image so that the baby strikes a regal pose or just mess around with the layout and background to get the tone you think would mesh best with your intentions for the keepsake.

You need not have any experience as a graphic designer or editor to give these personalized baby gifts. Simply plop yourself at a computer, toy with the free templates, and let your imagination take you where it will. Unlike other personalized baby gifts - such as toys, clothes, or baby books - your magazine cover will offer a distinct snapshot of the child's earliest weeks on the planet. And, no doubt, when the child grows up, he or she will look back at the gift with intensely curious eyes.

Welcome your baby with brilliance - visit YourCover.com the moment you can to design an imagination filled, sentimental, memorable and warm magazine cover that will last forever. Make it a gift for his or her birthday every year thereafter.

Simply Unique Baby Gifts

Thursday, October 29, 2009

10 Parenting Tips For All New Parents

If you are like most parents, you probably want to raise healthy, smart kids. You may already have some ideas on how to achieve this. Here are some parenting tips that will help parents ensure their children develop to their full potential.

One of the parenting tips that work best is giving your children quantity and quality time. When you spend time with your kids, try to engage them in meaningful conversations. Try to build fun and healthy communications and relationships while the kids are young.

In many homes, parents do not really talk to their kids when they are young. But when the kids become teens, these parents desperately want to talk to their teens. But the opportunity is not there anymore. Try not to become average parents. According to statistics, an average American parent spends less than fifteen minutes a week in serious discussion with their children.

Practice and develop good habits. It is important that you push your kids to exercise their faith and put into action the lessons that they have received. For example, it is one thing to learn about charity and caring, but it is another thing to volunteer some time to visit nursing homes and serve the elderly. Or participate in building a house for the poor.

Aristotle, the famous Greek philosopher, said that virtues are acquired by the development of habits. At first it may feel like a duty to maintain good habits but it will become easier as time goes by, and soon they will exercise good habits effortlessly.

Be a good role model. It is hard trying to teach children something when we do not do it ourselves. When they hear you lying about something, what kind of message are you sending to your children? Because action speaks louder than words, your kids will probably imitate our good and bad habits more than listening to our words.

Be involved parents. Involved parents are parents who monitor their kids’ media consumption, know whether the teachings in school are in line with their values and are acquainted with their friends. You should have a good rapport with your kids. Nobody is perfect but the more you become involved in your children’s lives, the better your chances of raising them to be good citizens.

Have a strong and healthy relationship. Having a strong and healthy marriage or relationship is not only good for you but also for your children. A thriving family unit is a good deterrent for anti-social behavior.

One thing for sure: it is hard enough to raise a child with two parents, let alone a single parent. Research shows that two years after a divorce, many boys have trouble concentrating, do poorly on intelligence tests, and have difficulty with math. Should your relationship break down ensure that your children continue to have full support from both parents.

Get connected with other parents. We need support and encouragement from other parents and you’ll no doubt learn new parenting tips from them. It is good to know that you are not the only ones who may be struggling. You can encourage one another to hang in there and continue to do the right thing.

Baby First Year.com provides the latest parenting tips and parenting information as we are the one stop solution for parent resource on raising babies and children.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Who Needs a Colon Cleanse?

The colon is a part of the digestive system responsible for storing solid wastes. This is also where the bowels released passes through after the whole digestion process. Its important role in digestion may be simple but not being able to function can cause some health hazards. The colon extracts water and salt from the feces before release as this can still be utilized by the body. When a malfunction occurs in the colon, constipation or difficulty in bowel movement happens.

So is it important to undergo colon cleanse? The answer would definitely be a "YES". Regardless of the fact whether people experience constipation or not; colon cleanse is beneficial to everyone most especially those who are already old. This is also because older people need support with regards to their system functions and even on their immune system. As for everyone, everyday we are exposed to a lot of harmful elements in the surroundings like pollution. Not only that, the end product which is toxin, can also come from the food that we eat, experiencing stress most of the time, and even in trying out a new diet. Toxins makes the colon's work much difficult that is why colon cleanse products or processes serve as aid to help bring boost in the colon's performance.

Why is it important to regularly get rid of toxins through colon cleanse? This is because accumulation or the growth in the amount of toxins is very much harmful to the body. This is often missed out on when there are some cases that are hard to explain how it came about. Take for example the break out of skin problems in the form of acne. Most of the time, it is due to the accumulated toxins in the body that makes it multiply in numbers like crazy. Not only that, when toxins accumulate, they clog the passage way of the waste resulting to constipation and in worse cases, poisoning. One common colon cleanse habit is a regular bowel movement. This can be maintained with regular intake of fiber enriched foods or supplements such as colon cleanse products in forms of solutions or capsules.

For fitness buffs, it is very much important to undergo colon cleanse especially those who take in a regular dose of health supplements. Most of the time, the unburned supplements in the body becomes unused resulting to some side effects. This is because also of an unhealthy colon that is not capable of immediate release of waste in the body. The left over of supplements become toxins too and re-circulate in the body which can be damaging.

Colon cleanse agents do not deal with the colon alone. Although it targets first the colon it then branches out into regulating other functions of the organs like the liver and the kidney. If you are planning to go for a healthy diet, make sure to include a product that can help cleanse out the toxins in the body so that your move to a healthier lifestyle will be much exercised to its fullest potential.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oxygen Colon Cleanse Vs Herbal Cleanse - Which Colon Cleanse is Right For You?

Most people need to cleanse their colons regularly with a colon cleanse. There reasons for using Dual Action Cleanse are many and varied but as you will see below, you need to start using it to assist your body. Without such a product for the Colon it has been found that:

• Most disease begins in the colon.

• A toxic colon can affect every area of your life.

• Many symptoms and ailments can be linked to poor colon health. When the colon is cleansed they often disappear.

• Colon products such as Dual Action Cleanse can cleanse the colon very quickly.

• Other effective detoxification methods include herbal supplements, oxygenated magnesium, and juice fasting if used in conjunction.

The Importance of Colon Cleansing with Dual Action Cleanse can not be under estimated.

It may surprise you that most human disease starts in the colon. It is a worrying fact that a large number of people have impacted, putrefied fecal waste stuck to the walls of their colons. This leaves only a narrow tube that soft feces can travel through to be eliminated. Colon cleansing is therefore extremely important to good health. Without regularly detoxifying your bowel, you can be encouraging an internal environment which leads to illness. Dual Action Cleanse is the product that can work to remove all of this toxic waste from your Colon.

A Colon that isn't cleansed can quickly become a poorly functioning colon that is a labyrinth that allows sewage back-up in your body. Body wastes that are not eliminated naturally will eventually decay and enter the bloodstream affecting the whole body. Many people with bad breath find that it is a result of toxins poisoning the lungs after the toxins have left the Colon. Rashes can appear on the skin because of poor Colon health. If your Colon has a significant history of toxic build up you are probably aging faster than you need to and the most important reason to consider using a colon cleanse. A toxic build up in your Colon affects every area of your life. The toxins also poison your brain and nervous system so if you are often fatigued, irritable or depressed such a product may make all the difference. Dual Action Cleanse is after all designed to prevent these problems.

Typical day to day diets are one of the biggest causes of toxins in your Colon and without a colon cleanse these toxins will stay in your body causing many problems. A number of symptoms showing that you need a colon cleanse are:

Bad Breath

Stomach Bloating

Body Odor



If you suffer from any of these symptoms then it is time to get your 30 day supply of Dual Action Cleanse which is available from your local health care provider and even on the web for convenience.

Want to learn everything there is to learn about all natural colon cleanses like dual action cleanse? Visit my blog at dual action colon cleanse reviews for more information on this subject.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Online Dating Blunders That Women Usually Make

If you have lost hope in finding someone special on online dating sites then we are here to rescue you. We have listed few main blunders that usually women make on online dating sites. Boost your success rate considerably by avoiding all these mistakes and choose a right plan to get charming men for dating.

Are you tired of sitting in front of your computer screen and just dieing to get a message from handsome men? Daily you check your scrap book hoping today you will get some message but to your disappointment no handsome men contacted you so far.
Have you given up?!

Listen to your intuition

If you have a feel that he is not the right man you are talking to, then don't ignore your intuition. Whenever you have a slight doubt that the man is hiding something or pretending to be someone he is not then chances are your intuitions are warning you to be safe. Filter your dates and meet only those who genuinely interest you, instead of wasting your time in trying your luck on total strangers. This approach always work in brushing away all the bad dates.

Don't wait for men to write to you first

Most women believe in the very traditional approach that men approach women for dates. Are you visiting handsome men profiles on online dating and totally drooling over some of them! You do pause for a while but you can't really make up your mind whether you should drop a message or not. Women think that if they will approach men first then may be it will give a sign that we are desperate! Mostly women want men to approach them. And it's a very fact that women feel awkward in approaching men first, no matter how madly they are attracted towards them.
Actually, the truth is men love it when women approach them. So from now onwards if you like some man's profiles just don't hesitate to send a short text message. Most probably, you will get a reply back and from there on you can take it further!! Just make sure that you upload an interesting profile o dating sites! So don't waste your time in just waiting for handsome men to get in touch with you first.

Don't judge them by their profiles.

Come on women! Generally, women exaggerate their actual height by an inch and lower their weight by at least 30 pounds! Then why it's an issue if men exaggerate on their height. And how can you forget the very fact that how many women literally tell their real age!! Don't judge any men before you actually communicate with them for some time period. Don't form your opinion from the profiles which you browse on online dating sites because the real side only comes out when you actually communicate with them.

Don't feel ditched!

You met some man through online dating site and you plan to meet him. Both of you really had a good time but suddenly he just vanished. And you end up wondering that where you went wrong. Don't fool yourself by presuming that you are the only one for him. Men also have many choices the same way women have. If you presume that you are the only one he met through online dating then you must be completely wrong.

Don't rush into meeting men

Once you start to feel a comfort level with him and it's hardly been a month of knowing each other. You probably end up getting curious to meet him to check the chemistry in real. Don't rush into it! Most women end up disappointed after meeting the men in real life. Women you need to remember that online dating requires some screening before you actually make up your mind to meet the person in real. Take enough time to get to know each other through voice chat or text messages. You should at least take 4-5 months of time to know him before you plan to meet him personally. It's a better choice to meet one genuine man in 6 months instead of 5 pricks in a month!

It is not working the way you thought it will

When you enrolled on to the online dating site you perceived it to be an easy dating game! You have never faced any problem in attracting men in your real life. You are pretty, intelligent and a great company to hang around with. But surprisingly, men who are contacting you on online dating sites are not of your taste. You know there are decent men out there but why are you not being approached by them?!

It's quite simple. There are hundreds of options for them and they are going to make the best choices! It's a fact that women usually want to be approached by men!! Don't hesitate to browse profiles on online dating sites and message those men you found attractive.

Don't get frustrated too easily

It's obvious that sometimes on online dating sites you will get emails of men who are stupid, brainless and annoying. Don't get aggravated, all you have to do is to ignore them. If they still keep on bothering you like an idiot then just avoid them. Don't waste your time in replying back to them. You can't eliminate their names from the dating site, they have the right to post messages to anyone they would like to, after all they are also the member of the site like everybody else. Mostly women reply back giving them warnings but you know that it won't be of any use! As a smart woman all you have to do is to delete the emails you find exasperating and carry on with decent men!

Right approach decides it all

If you think that you don't get right men on online dating sites as they are not genuine. Then my dear friend your presumption is totally wrong! There are millions of great single men out on online dating sites who are handsome, tall, and intelligent. The only factor which counts in attracting men on dating sites is your outlook towards them. Your success rate is determined only by the way you carry it forward. You need to plan your approach with the right attitude.

Unrealistic time- line

Sometimes women set unrealistic expectations! If you hope to meet a decent man in a month of you posting your profile on a dating site then it's impractical. You won't be getting your soul mate in a month or so! Obviously you will be disappointed if you expect to come across your prince charming in that short period. In reality we all know that how difficult it is to find soul mates. But then why women lack patience on dating sites. Don't just quit and stick to it for some time period!

So finally, now after reading these online dating tips you know what kind of mistakes you have been committing. From now onwards just avoid these mistakes and considerably increase your success rate on online dating sites.

The author is an expert in communication skills and providing creative dating tips. You can read more about exciting and effective articles on love, romance, relationship, child abuse and many other hot issues at http://www.embraceyourlove.com

Read more about online dating here.
Visit here for more online dating tips.

How to Increase Your Success With Online Dating

For many men, Online Dating is a dirty word. It elicits visions of out of shape users or social rejects who have looked to the web as their last saving grace. For some reason, over time we've come to accept this lie as truth and it has pushed many of us away from expanding our dating horizons.

Before I go any further, I want you to take part in a simple exercise with me. Search Google for a free dating site. On that dating site I want you to do a city search for women nearby you. You'll be surprised by the amount of beautiful women there are Online actively seeking out a dating partner.

You might be asking yourself, "why are all these hot girls online looking for guys, shouldn't they be able to have any man they want?" Women face a number of the same challenges men do when it comes to dating, especially in our increasingly fast paced society.

With the increased amount of women taking up careers and postponing marriage and family life, many find themselves devoted to their career, which doesn't leave much time for dating and a social life. As a result, they've turned to Online Dating as a way to meet new people with the little time that they have available.

A lot of these women you'll never meet in a bar or club so Online Dating truly expose's you to a whole group of new women you wouldn't ordinarily have access to.

One of the biggest mistakes that men make is getting sucked completely into the world of Online Dating. By no means should dating sites account for your entire dating portfolio. Online Dating is a great way to practice meeting and interacting with women but should never replace physical interactions.

Chatting with a girl online can easily turn into an online relationship, but chances are the person you meet online and the person you meet in real life are two different people. Don't spend countless hours chatting back and forth via email or instant messenger, instead at the first available moment move your relationship offline.

If you've created a solid relationship with her you'll find that she's more than willing to exchange phone numbers with you.

Making the transition from the online world to the physical world is not without it's bumps and difficulties. You may find that the girl who interested you online no longer interests you offline. You may also find that she doesn't look like her profile pictures. When dating online, it's important to keep these things in mind, don't become over enthusiastic with the relationship right off the bat and don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Be sure that you approach and chat with numerous girls online, that way if one of the girls flake on you or doesn't live up to your expectations you have a number of other potential dating opportunities on the go.

Likewise, it's important that throughout your interactions online you remain truthful so that when the time for a physical meeting occurs between the two of you she is not disappointed because you don't live up to your false claims.

When putting together your online profile, it's important to distinguish yourself from all of the other guys online. You can do this by including the following in your profile.

1. Display that you are humorous and don't take Online Dating too seriously. You can do this by creating a witty headline or using funny or silly photos of you and your friends. It's also good to include a short paragraph stating that you aren't online to meet your soul mate you're just having fun.

2. Give a valid reason for why you're using Online Dating. You want to display that you're not forced to use Online Dating because you're a recluse or a social outcast. This could be because your career takes up the majority of your time, you dislike bars and clubs or you just want to meet new people.

3. Show that you're comfortable around beautiful women. Include a photo of you with a good looking friend or relative, this will give off the impression to girls on the site that you meet and hang out with women on a regular basis.

4. Beauty is common, you're looking for more than just looks. There are tons of good looking women online, show that looks mean little to you, they have to impress you in ways other than physical attributes. This will help women qualify themselves to you.

5. Highlight some interests that you have in a clear and concise manner. This can be done through bullet points or by using quotes that relate to your life. Include things such as art, history, music, politics, sports etc.

If you communicate the above in your profile you'll notice an almost immediate increase in the messages that you receive. Women will be fascinated by your profile and will be intrigued enough to communicate with you.

Lastly, keep you profile fresh and up to date. Some dating sites rank profiles based on when they were last updated, so it's important to always be adding new content and photos.

Online Dating doesn't have to be a dirty word, it can increase your confidence and interaction with women and it'll make you a better person because of it.

Ramses is a certified dating instructor at http://www.skillsofthegame.com He has provided thousands of men with practical advice for improving their success with women.

Read more about online dating here.
Visit here for more online dating tips.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Download Online Videos

Convert And Download YouTube Videos without all of the hassle.
In fact, there are lots of available ways for us to download videos, such as some apps programs, Video Downloader(Firefox Add-on) and so on. At the same time, you will find that many of these tools will download videos in file extension .flv, and you'll need to convert the video unless you have a .flv player. Some tools do this for you, or you can use a separate conversion tool. Thus, it is necessary for us to look for an easy and simple to download and convert videos. Today, I will introduce you Voydo.com, a unique and convenient video downloader.

Monday, September 28, 2009

What Will Your Legacy Be

How many of us have ever wondered if we have made any difference in this world?

As in the words of the Lee Ann Womack song, remember, "as you move through the days and the years of your life, you do not go unnoticed. You leave a trail, impressions and footsteps, unquestionable proof that you existed in the live of those around you. If you ever think you've not made much of a difference in the world, you have to me." And, I thank you.

Many who accomplish something worth leaving behind start from humble beginnings.

Think about Mozart, who learned to play the piano at age 4 years. At age 5, he began composing music. By age 14, he had composed several instrumental and orchestral pieces. Although he died in poverty, he created over 600 works of music, which are studied and performed by musicians throughout the world. When Mozart dreamed, there were symphonies and concertos playing in his head, and that is something worth leaving behind.

Think about Da Vinci, who was born the illegitimate son of a peasant woman and an Italian merchant. He became a brilliant engineer, painter, and creator of masterpieces as a relatively young man. When Da Vinci dreamed he saw marble as beautiful sculpture. He looked at the walls of a church and saw The Last Supper. The looked at a blank canvas and saw the Mona Lisa. All of those were somethings worth leaving behind.

Now, think about Oseola Mc Carthy. Her formal education did not surpass grade six, although she knew education was vitally important to life. She was forced to drop out of school at a young age to help her family. She wanted to be a nurse, but spent her life working as a washer woman who saved a portion of her meager wages on a regular basis, enabling her to amass a tremendous savings, of which she donated $150,000, to a scholarship fund for students at the University of Southern Mississippi. When Ms. Mc Carthy dreamed she saw a future full of possibilities for young people to do even better than she did.

When I think of the gift I want to leave behind, I dream of a world full of beautiful colors, and shapes, and sizes, and sounds, and textures. My world is full of vibrant reds, and purples, and greens, and blues, and yellows; all mixing together to create a monage of endless patterns. When I think of something worth leaving behind, I reflect on all the experiences in my life that have left an indelible mark on my consciousness. I think of the time in basic training, when I had my hair beautifully styled by one of soldiers on my team that was a cosmetologist, and being sent out to the sawdust pit to "exercise," in the dark of night during a rainstorm in Fort Leonardwood, Missouri.

The exercise session began as I propped my chin up with my hands and tried to continuing rolling left and right, protecting my well coiffed hair. With the onslaught of front, back, go (ie, push-up, crunch, run-in-place) being wailed louder and louder from the drill sergeants standing in the staircase (some chuckling hysterically), the ridiculousness of me trying to save my hair from a certain drenching was laughable. That moment was meant to teach us to maintain a positive and fearless mental attitude, even in a time of stress.

When I think of something worth leaving behind, I can smell my late grandmother's coconut buns baking in the oven, or my mom's homemade bread and ice cream, or my dad's big pot of soup, made with last nights leftovers and anything else he found in the refrigerator.

I think of the beautiful paintings my brother has created that now adorn my walls.

I think of the egg cartoons another brother craftily sketched all over walls of the house we grew up in. Although this amused us, my mother did not find the jokes so funny.

I think of the quirky things some of my students do to imitate the people they love.

When I think of something worth leaving behind, I think of all the people surrounding me on a daily basis, and the great encouragement that we can give each other. I think of a world where people take stock of their talents and gifts, and find ways to share them with the world at-large. I think of a way to create the type of community where each of our world views can connect what is in our heads with what is in our hearts to leave a lasting impression on all.

Most importantly, when I think of something worth leaving behind, I think about the gifts that we can share with each other. That the seeds we plant and water with our words of encouragement become blessings. That feelings become songs. More than the tangible, time together becomes memories. Each of us has talents and gifts that are worth sharing, a diversity that truly makes this community so wonderful, and that is really something worth leaving behind. As you conclude this article, please take a moment to inventory your gifts and talents that you can share with the world and make sure to give generously of the gifts that have been bestowed upon you. This world can only be a better place, if everyone were to use their talents to the fullest. Take care of yourself and make a pact to make a difference.

Adrienne Vyfhuis is a motivational trainer, and creativity coach in the Washington, DC area, with a background in biomedical engineering and clinical psychology, who specializes in career and academic development with young adults and career professionals at all levels. She currently runs a training business and facilitates seminars on dreams development, self-motivation, discipline and staying focused. She has developed and facilitated hundreds of workshops around those topics and currently has several journals in publication which enhance her clients ability to record and continually improve their focus and life progression. She is particularly skilled in teaching parents and grandparents to work with developing the skills, and abilities of their children for life-long impact. Check the website at: http://5houserocks.com for more information.

Get free Nurse Jokes by americas favorite Nurse Comedian Karyn Buxman

Persistence Doesn't Always Payoff

Has anyone ever wondered why some people succeed and others fail? Is it because one is smarter, more educated, prettier, luckier, etc..? If you look at many who have succeeded it is simply due to one thing – they never quit. Now I say that with caution, as if your 5’4” and trying to make it to the NBA, the odds are very much against you ever succeeding. If you look like Hilary Clinton and want to be a Playboy Centerfold, you are probably going to have a very tough go as well.

You see life is full of surprises, but it doesn’t have to be difficult getting to the top; as long as you choose a pathway that isn’t full of roadblocks. Many succeed simply because they walk down the correct alley way. It’s probably no accident that Tom Cruise is a movie star, Drew Carey a comedian, and Kobe Bryant an outstanding basketball player. They have all found the secret of success.

Many don’t quit, because they know they at least have a fighting chance, once they make their entrance to the career of their choice. If you pursue something like singing and all you ever hear from everyone is that you cannot sing, your tone deaf, or you clear out a bar, you might want to find another path, or take singing lessons. The above applies to most anything, as we have to be careful what we do, as time will defeat us always no matter what.

You might fall into a career by accident. I didn’t actually choose my career in sales and marketing, it chose me. Even when I didn’t try, I still was able to make sales. When I did actually work, I always found myself competing with the best of them. I personally would love to just play music and sing. I have actually made several thousand dollars over the years playing music, but after 10 years and a couple of albums, I know that my calling is probably sales and marketing, otherwise more than likely I would have made a better living at music than sales.

You see no matter how badly you want something, you still have to make enough money to pay your bills. You can pursue endeavors that don’t pay you upfront, but no matter what you are after, you are going to have to find a way to make a living interim.

How do you know if sales is a good career for you? I would simply ask the following – is it fairly easy for you to make deals? If it’s not and you find yourself always working hard and getting frustrated - it may be time to move onto something else. Most people who are successful in sales, will tell you that it isn’t hard for them to make deals. I believe sales is either going to be a great career choice for some, or a complete roadway to insanity for many. I would state that you will probably work harder than a ditch digger on death row in sales if you don’t have the persistence, attitude, work ethic and the personality required to succeed.

The reason I bring up sales versus being an artist, nurse, or doctor, is that I have been able to sustain a steady income in sales for over 10 years now. I have hardly ever put in more than 40 hours in a week and have gone from living in a one bedroom apartment, bankrupt, and destitute, to living in a decent home near the beach in a desirable neighborhood about 40 miles North of San Diego, I drive a Mercedes, and have made 6 trips to Australia, since my slow climb upwards.

Now I don’t want to sound like an ego maniac, because things are just things. And the only reason I bring up my materialistic accomplishments; is that no matter how successful you get in life you always have to remember where you come from. To some people I haven’t gone very far, and to others they might say - I’ve done very well. I come from a poor family that couldn’t even afford to send me to college, everything I have obtained over the years I have had to work for on my own. I like you, am still moving forward, and will never quit until the day that God decides my time is up.

The simple goal for writing this letter is that there is nothing wrong with wanting to become successful, just make sure that whatever it is that you pursue, that you follow something that you either already have a talent for, or something that is obtainable. I met a Pro Race Car Driver many years ago, who gave me some advice about becoming a race car driver. When I asked him how I would obtain the same success, he simply asked me, “Do you have a rich daddy?” I got the point, I hope you do too.

John Lowery is a home based entrepreneur. He lives in Carlsbad, CA with his wife and son. John has been involved in sales and marketing for over 10 years, and is also a published songwriter, and member of The Screen Actor's Guild.

Get free Nurse Jokes by americas favorite Nurse Comedian Karyn Buxman

Setting the Mood with Your Date

Nothing makes for a more romantic gesture than one that is made purely for the sake of romance itself. When it comes to seducing a woman if you want to make a really great impression on us then you’ll want to pull out all the stops and create a romantic date without waiting for a special occasion. Not to mention there’s no rule that says you have to wait for a certain day or time.

This particular tip requires knowing a bit about your lady and what she likes and doesn’t like. But you don’t have to know her like the back of your hand in order to make a truly romantic evening for the two of you to share. The most important thing is to consider what you know she finds romantic and then do your best to create that for her. The very fact that you thought of her and wanted to romance her out of the blue will really impress her and make her feel truly special.

Many of these suggestions would take relatively little time for preparation. Remember, it’s sometimes the smallest gesture that will really make a woman feel special. The first romantic setting is a candlelit picnic in a park or other quiet location. This is sure to make your lady feel special. There’s no special occasion needed. This is also easy to put together with a bottle of wine, some cheese, strawberries, whatever the two of you like.

If you have a portable CD player you can bring that along with a disc of romantic music and you’ll have an evening that the both of you are sure to remember. Just don’t forget to check the weather and be sure to bring the blanket!

The next suggestion I have is good for any weather, a nice candlelit meal consisting of her favorite foods and dessert at your place. When you’re planning this evening be sure to have soft, romantic music on and a nice bottle of wine. Her favorite flowers would be an extra nice touch. This meal could be prepared by you or ordered and picked up from a restaurant.

As long as you’ve taken care to choose what she likes it’s sure to be a huge hit! If your place tends to be a bit messy, be sure to take the extra bit of time to clean it up so that she’s not tripping over your tennis shoes or gym bag.

I want to reconcile my marriage! If this sounds like you, we can show you how.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Find Out As Much As You Can From Your Date

Getting to know that special woman is about the time you spend with her, and about what you get from communication, both verbal and physical. And the more you know, the better your chances. Thus if you plan to keep your relationship moving forward, you are going to have to find out as much as you can about her.

After all, the last thing you want to do is to upset her. That's a surefire way to kill your chances for romance. First, make sure you give her a chance not only to speak, but to start conversations as well. There is really no better way to get to know her than through the interaction you'll have with her in conversation. What you learn through all of this communication will serve as a great starting point, from which you can move on to the following suggestions to fill in any blanks in your knowledge of her.

The point of all of this is to get to know as much as you can about your woman as an individual. So many people think that all women or all men like the same things, which simply is not true.

Although there are a good number of things that a lot of women have in common, there are an equal number of things that they don’t have in common, either. The same can be said for men. For example, if a woman were to assume that all men love football then she’d be dead wrong! Likewise, a man would be wrong to assume that all women love cats. Each woman is unique, so you must take the time to find out what she, as a unique person, really wants before you can seduce her.

Ultimately, it all comes back to what you can learn about her for yourself. While it is helpful to get a few tips from her friends, family, and acquaintances, too much of this type of fact-finding will make her feel more like a suspect in an investigation. So it's back to what you can find out for yourself. And the best possible way to do that is to get her in different settings and see what happens.

I want to reconcile my marriage! If this sounds like you, we can show you how.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hiring a Quality Home Movers

Moving from one dwelling place to another is a normal scene in Singapore. A number of occupants are not home owners. They are just tenants. The reason is that owning a house is not easy especially for non Singaporean citizens who obviously make up the lion's share of Singapore's manpower. Thus housing service is mostly on a yearly contract basis.

Given this real scenario and considering the volatile behavior of the real estate market, the demand for home movers is high in Singapore. While there are many service providers, it pays to do your job in screening out the most dependable home movers particularly if you are short of cash. And the necessity to make a good choice is paramount if you would like proper care on the manner your stuff are transported.

The rate of home movers in Singapore can be quite expensive. It may turn out to be much more costly later if you happen to hire unskilled home movers who can only mess up with your priceless stuffs. Other companies engaged in this service because it is good money and those duly registered and professionaly trained to give moving service. You definitely opt to engage home movers who can offer the best rate and the best service possible.

If there is one good venue to locate these movers in Singapore, it is through the internet. Check on ebay Singapore. Search using the keyword "Singapore home movers" and you can most likely generate a good search list. What makes ebay a good source of info is that you can refer to testimonials of previous clients. Yes, while these feedbacks are not 100% reliable you can have at the minimum an idea on the kind of service.

Also, online forums which are Singapore based in nature can give you some guide on home movers. Just concentrate on heavy traffic blogs and forums. Of course, not missing out the classifieds. Home movers tend to post ads on online classifieds because ad posting here for free, if not at a very minimal rate.

With your filtered list, you expect to tap the most reliable home movers in town which will give lesser hassle house moving service for you.

Here is a recommended Singapore Home Movers

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Understanding All Auto Insurance Claims

If you are involved in an accident it is important that you know the proper procedure for filing an insurance claim. You will most likely need to deal with one or more adjusters who will determine the insurance salvage. Follow these simple tips to make sure you have taken all the necessary steps to collect the correct information and follow the correct procedure.

Do your self a favor and prepare in advance. Know the laws and the reporting requirements of the state you live in and drive in. Always carry an accident package in your car. It should contain paper, pen, and accident reporting form which are available online free from the DMV.

If an accident occurs remain calm and stop your car. If there are injuries do what you can to make the person or persons comfortable. Call the EMT to treat any injured parties and call the police.

If you smell gas or if the car is on fire clear all persons away from the area. Do not move seriously injured people unless it is a threat to their lives to leave them where they are.

If the accident is minor and there is only property damage and no injuries, put your hazard lights on and drive both vehicles to a safe location at the side of the road. Set up flare or reflective triangles in the rear and side of the cars to ensure other motorists are aware of your location.

Both drivers need exchange car insurance information. You also need to exchange the names of the drivers, all passengers in the vehicle, and any witnesses. As well as names you should obtain complete addresses and telephone numbers.

Next you will need to contact your insurance company and if you feel you need to contact a lawyer now is the time to do so.

Your car insurance company will need to collect all pertinent information. They will need the year, make, model, and license plate number of the other car. They will also need the drivers name, address, telephone number, date of birth, and his or her driver’s license number as well as the issuing state.

If the other drive is not insured obtain as much information as you can then notify the police. Both the police and the insurance company will want the full names, addresses, and phone numbers of all witnesses.

If the police attend the accident scene request a business card from the attending officer that gives his full name and how you might reach him.

If you have a digital camera handy take plenty of photos. These days many people have a digital camera built right into their cell phone which is very convenient.

As soon as you are able, write down all details pertaining to the accident. Information such as weather conditions, pavement conditions, visibility and lightening could all become very important in determining who was at fault.

You also need to record the estimated speed of both vehicles. As well do a sketch of the accident scene marking the direction each driver was traveling. Make notes of things such as stop signs, traffic lights, other vehicles on the roadway, and any obstacles.

You should also record all damage to the car and any other property as well as all body injuries no matter how minor they appear.

Whatever you do, do not discuss who is at fault with the other driver. Insurance companies recommend you do not engage in conversation about fault. Give the police officer an account of the accident but in privacy away from the other driver.

Remember no one can force you to give details of the accident or admit blame. You always have the right to consult a lawyer before answering any questions.

Let’s hope you never have to file an insurance claim. But if you are well prepared should an accident occur you will be much more likely to record the necessary information to ensure that your claim proceeds smoothly.

About the Author: Sher has been serving customers for over 20 years as a freelance writer and has been offering information and advice to the consumer. To find out how to save on your auto insurance Please visit us at http://www.all-auto-insurance.com/

no credit check

citizens auto finance

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Top Forex Trading Strategies

Does anyone really know where or what are the top Forex trading strategies? Even when you watch the expert commentators they disagree about it and sometimes with great intensity!

What seems to be not up for much debate is how much technology has bridged the gap on how to take supreme advantage of the best Forex trading strategies known to the human race.

During the last few years, the financial and programming communities have come together and designed and implemented automated Forex trading systems or Forex robots that are actually programmed with the top Forex trading strategies.

These sophisticated programs are set to run through an array of algorithmic functions to determine which of the top Forex trading methods to utilize depending on market activity.The new sheriff in town, is a Forex software program that delivers small, but repeatable profits through scalping the Forex! The key here is repeatable, small trades that are profitable.

Critical Note: This is not to be confused with those standard, everyday occurrence "Day Trading" Forex programs. Where are purely talking about a system that scalps the Forex!

Forex scalp trading can also be called "quick trading". It is a method where traders allow their positions to last only for a matter of seconds, even minutes, but rarely longer than that time frame!The reason why someone would want to join the ranks others who own a program that has the top Forex trading strategies designed into it, is because it is possible to make small, repeatable profits, while exposing a trading account to very limited risk; which is a function of the quick in and quick out principle.

5 major advantages to why you should consider an automated program that contains in it the top Forex trading strategies available.

• Virtually all known successful Forex scalping methods are programmed into the software. This means you don't have to know them, because your system handles that for you and executes the trade that is best for market conditions!

• You are not required to have to study charts, graphs and learn complicated formulas. These automated programs fire off instantly, based upon super fast algorithmic calculations and are not bogged down by the human thinking process and ambivalent behavior that most people who trade exhibit!

• Being automated, it will free up tremendous time and energy for you, without you having to stand over your computer every minute that you are in a trade! Set it and forget it! If you have conservatively set your parameters the system should capture regular profits for you!

• Make trades while you sleep! You will discover that you can scalp the Forex while you sleep and make money, if you so choose. The program has the ability to perform unattended, live Forex scalp trading 24 hours daily 5 days per week.

• From the research that we have done, this kind of technology would be considered by most as inexpensive! The bottom-line is that these kind of programs always should price out less than a couple of hundred dollars and offer a money back guarantee associated with them.

You are strongly encourage to set some time aside and learn more.

For more detailed information on The Top Forex Trading Strategies and Automated FOREX scalping visit: http://LearnForexScalping.com

Emini Trading Strategies

30 Minute Emini Day Trading System

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sleeping Cots As Your Best Outdoor Travel Buddy

You may be set to go on a camping, hiking or backpacking trip, and you are already excited to go out into the sunshine, see the sky, smell nature and relax from a busy schedule. And you've already packed food, skewer, knife, jacket, sunscreen, ropes and camera among the things you will be bringing. Now comes the part when you have to choose what sleeping implement you would have to bring or buy. You would have three choices: cots, pads or mattresses.

You are better off looking for sleeping cots if:

(1) You prefer to be elevated from the ground when sleeping because you are afraid of being slept in with crawling objects. Or you want air to circulate under your bed to keep you cool while sleeping during hot conditions. In the same way, you want to keep yourself off from the cool ground when the temperature drops.

(2) Your idea of comfort is not being poked on your thighs and back with sharp objects on the ground like rocks and tree roots.

(3) You want ease in sitting down or getting up. Because a cot is elevated, you can easily get into or out of it like your regular chair or bed.

(4) For the above, you do not mind the carrying and packing considerations that are more tedious than that of just having a sleeping pad. Pads are less bulky, generally lighter in weight and easily rolled or folded.

(5) You do not mind having to set up a bed in a way more complicated than just putting down a sleeping pad but mind inflating a mattress mechanically or with an electric or battery-operated pump. Cots would have frames that you pull off to stretch a fabric you'd be sleeping on.

(6) You do not mind buying a high-end model of a cot that costs as much as a similarly sized mattress.

So when comparing sleeping cots, what should you look into?

Comfort. The only way to know this is to test the cot out by sitting or lying down on it. Get the feel of the material and the design and see whether everything feels just right for you.

Size. There's nothing as uncomfortable as sleeping in a bed that is undersized -- narrow or not long enough for your comfort. A good cot for you should enable you to reasonably move -- especially if you're one to move a lot -- without fear of falling off in the middle of the night.

Stability. Look at the framing of the legs whether it is straight and level and could hold when placed on uneven ground.

Ease of set up and dismantling. As you would undergo this process before and after sleeping, look for cots that are easily and nicely laid down and folded up.

Weight. As bulk and weight is a consideration for carrying your cots, look for ones that are as lightweight and as compactly packed as possible. Know whether the cot comes in a storage bag, whether the bag has a sling, and whether the sling is adjustable.

Durability and water-resistant quality of fabric. Inspect whether the stitching is secure and strong enough. Know whether the cloth is waterproof or is able to dry off quickly.

For more tips and information about sleeping cots, check out http://www.summitcampinggear.com/campingcots1.html.

travel cot - baby travel crib

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How to Get Focused on Your Drumming

Remember the times when you knew you should practice your drums, but just didn't feel like messing with it? It's at those times you lacked focus.

There was a time when I had a studio session to attend to lay down some drum tracks and I simply was not in the mood at all. Hey, I was tired! It was Friday afternoon, it was a long, hard week, and I was done! While driving to the studio that day my mind was consumed with pretty much just wanting to watch television.

Anyway, I remember driving up to the drum studio and thinking, "Man, I don't want to be doing this right now." But, I decided I better get focused on my drumming because time is money in the studio. If you have ever bought studio time you know what I mean.

Well, on the way to the drum studio I began thinking about the songs I was about to lay down the drum tracks for. I also began thinking about the fact that my drum tracks will be permanent. People will hear them and I want my tracks to be as close to perfection as I can get them. I knew I had to somehow get focused and get in the mood - right NOW!

So many people will use any excuse for not doing something because they are simply not in the mood. When it comes to responsibility, whether a person is in the mood or not, it doesn't matter. If you have booked studio drum time and paid good money for it you better be in the mood, or at least get in the mood!

The best way I have found to change my mood at any given time about something is to simply begin thinking in a different manner. Feelings follow thoughts, and given that fact, I basically just changed my thinking.

I decided to clear my mind of all the noise in my head and only mentally listen to the songs I was laying drum tracks for. I tapped on my steering wheel as I drove along, and honestly, it wasn't even just a few short minutes until I was starting to "feel it." By the time I arrived at the drum studio I was more than ready to play my drums.

The next time you have an appointment with your drum set, but just don't feel like drumming, you are not focused. Just know you can change your focus at any given time. Because your feelings follow your thoughts, you can change your thinking and automatically change your mood.

Dan Brown has been drumming since 1976. Sign up for his FREE weekly newsletter and get tips, ideas, articles, and merchandise! http://www.dbdrumtips.com/

beat making - drum samples

Best Gifts for Baby Boys

So, you’re scouting for a suitable gift for a cuddly baby boy and you don’t know where or how to start especially if you can just spare a limited time of your busy world. There’s no need to panic because shopping for a baby boy gift is easy as long as you know what to look for. Below are a few gift ideas to make your shopping a trouble-free one:

1. Educational Baby Toys: If your objective is to keep the baby entertained while he learns; then, these toys are a great option. There’s a wide variety of educational toys available. There are learning activity and puzzle toys available for you to choose from that helps stimulate the child’s mental ability and growth development. Surely, the parents and the child will have a wonderful time bonding with each other through these toys.

2. Baby Booties: With the emerging fashion trend in shoes today, baby booties are of no exception. Baby booties are designed to keep the baby toes warm no matter what the temperature is. Look for designs that match with the personality of the baby or his aura.

3. Baby Hats: Baby hats that have attractive designs are hard to resist especially those that resemble like that of a baby animal. With ear flaps, eyes, and nose attached on the hat, it sure is very appealing to the child’s tastes.

4. Baby Hooded Towels: Cute hooded towels are fitting for an after bath or dip in the pool time. Made with quick-drying fabrics, these towels are safe for the baby’s sensitive skin and are very cuddly to use. The baby will surely enjoy these.

5. Baby Animal Slippers: These funky animal slippers are must-haves for cute baby boys. They are perfect in keeping the baby’s feet warm inside the house. You’ll be sure the baby will have fun wearing these adorable slippers.

6. Bodysuit: A baby bodysuit is the basis for nearly every baby outfit. It offers an easy way to give your baby an extra layer of warmth during cold weathers. There are wide selections of bodysuits available in the market today. Basic, solid colors are perfect for the baby boy.

7. Mini-Playground: If you’re that extravagant, you can purchase a mini-playground or a mini-gym. Although they can be pricey, baby boys will surely love this one. As we all know, boys are very active and they love to run and play around. Mini-playgrounds and mini-gyms provide a lot of activities for small boys. These minis are complete with stairs, slide and sometimes, a steering wheel. They also have small doors that the baby could open and close as frequent as he wants for his enjoyment.

8. Ride-on Toys: Ride-on toys are very popular for baby boys even at a very young age. Baby boys love being behind the wheel while parents love the durability. Riding toys include wagons, rocking toys, pedal toys and a lot more variety. Baby boys and their parents will certainly enjoy playing with these wonderful toys.

For the best baby gifts, visit Simply Unique Baby Gifts where you will find a large selection of baby gift baskets for boy, girls, unisex and twins.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Write That Letter Yourself and Save Big Bucks!

Do you have any idea how much money you can save by doing your own day-to-day home and business writing? Probably much more than you think.

Did you know that it can cost anywhere from $50 - $100 per hour for the services of a professional copywriter? That works out to an average cost of anywhere between $75 and $150 for a typical one page letter (i.e. 350-450 words).

In fact, I estimate that over the course of a year, the average person or small business could easily save hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars writing their own day-to-day documents.

You Can Do It Too...and you don't have to be much of a writer either.
As long as you have access to a few real life sample templates plus a good practical hands-on style guide, you will be in an excellent position to quickly and easily draft many of your own documents such as letters, resumes, reports, etc.Just drafting that day-to-day stuff alone should result in measurable savings. But wait until I tell you about the single biggest money-saving technique of all. You might be surprised ...

Get ready... are you sitting down? OK, drum roll please...

Your biggest savings can come from drafting your own legal letters!

That's right! No, I'm not kidding. And you DO NOT need to be a lawyer to do this.A number of years ago when I was going through a divorce-related legal dispute I realized that my lawyer was charging me $200+ every single time she sent out a standard one-page letter for me! This was ridiculous. Finally, I said enough was enough! After all, a lawyer is a pretty darn expensive copywriter, when you think about it. Over-qualified too!

And it really hurts when you realize that 9 times out of 10, the actual lawyer doesn't even write the letter; they just sign it.

In most cases, a legal assistant or secretary will prepare the draft letter based on a previous similar case; using a sample of course. When I focused on this I realized that many of these letters were routine short missives from one lawyer to another that simply explained my personal situation or position on a particular issue or point. A position of which I was already well aware, since I had told them exactly what it was!

Typically, my lawyer or her assistant would phone me to explain a situation that had occurred, or to pass on the contents of a letter they had received from the other party; in both cases their call was to find out my reaction and get my instructions to them. A few days later I would receive a copy of a letter that had been sent out on my behalf by my lawyer that was almost a word-for-word repetition of what I had told her over the phone just a few days before!

Watch That Legal Bill...

Then, to add insult to injury, at the end of the month I would receive an itemized statement from my lawyer in which I was billed at the full hourly rate for BOTH the phone call in which they obtained the information/instructions from me AND for the letter they had sent out, which was basically a verbatim quote of my own words to them.

Once I realized what was going on I started drafting my own legal letters!
From then on, whenever a letter was required, I would refer to samples of previous letters sent out by that same lawyer on my behalf, and would draft the new one myself.

It's not rocket science, believe me. Pretty well anyone who chooses to could draft many of their own legal letters. Of course, once written, I would e-mail my draft letter to the lawyer's office for review, revision, and signature on her letterhead.In most cases, they would simply print what I gave them on their own letterhead paper, the lawyer would sign it, and they would mail it out.A couple of times I compared, and they hadn't changed a single word from what I gave them! (Of course you have to watch your legal bills like a hawk to make sure they don't try to charge you for the letter that YOU wrote!).

Believe me. I saved hundreds, if not thousands, in legal fees doing this!

In fact, I would recommend that any time a high-priced professional such as a lawyer or accountant, needs to send a letter on your behalf, draft it yourself first (unless it is highly technical, and you don't feel qualified to do it).

You can even discuss the expected contents of your draft letter with your expert (i.e. lawyer, accountant, doctor, etc.) in advance to make sure you cover all of the relevant points from their perspective.

All You Need To Get Started...

As I mentioned earlier, all you need to get started are a few decent sample templates and a good practical hands-on style guide, and you will be in a great position to quickly and easily draft many of your own documents such as letters, resumes, reports, etc.

Getting hold of such a tool might cost you a one-time investment of $30 or so, but that single investment will be your key to saving yourself hundreds if not thousands of dollars over the years. Try to make sure you get a comprehensive writing style guide with real-life templates that you can use as models when drafting your own letters.

Shaun Fawcett is Webmaster of two of the most visited writing-help websites on the Net. He is the author of numerous "how-to" books on everyday practical writing help for home, business and educational writing. His Instant Home Writing Kit with real-life templates is a leading resource on how to write a wide range of business and personal documents including: business letters, personal letters, resumes, reports, e-mails, essays, etc.

Sample Business Letter.
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