Thursday, February 18, 2010

An Enquiry into the Personal Maladjustment Pattern Among Children of Alcoholic Parents

Alcoholism is matter of serious concern, not confined to any group, culture or country. Universally it creates professional, social, financial, legal, medical, psychological, and familial problems. The cost of alcoholism to the society is staggering by any calculations. Lost working days, accidents and related disability, family disrupts and resulting juvenile problems, and direct medical complications of alcohol abuse add up to a significant proportion of loss to nations" economy and well being. Alcoholism thus becomes a complex phenomenon deserving attention from deferent angles.

Problem drinking within a family can lead to many types of stress and hard ships for family members. Increasing social isolation due to alcoholism is difficult for children to cope up. They behave increasingly withdrawn form peer group activities. Financial hardships become a factor and reductions are made to general standard of living. Physical hardships are seen either violence towards family members or in destruction of household things.
Family members especially spouse may be subjected to emotional deprivation and may perceive drinking as a form of rejection. This in turn causes the drinker to become increasingly preoccupied and plays a diminished role in family life and affairs.

Glassner and Loughlin (1987) emphasised on three aspects of parent-child relationships that are studied in alcoholics" families; basic care, consistency of expectations, and communications. Children find it difficult to cope with parental unpredictability or with unexplained withdrawal and sudden change in mood and temperament.

Children may suffer from physical and emotional neglect. Since all the family's energies are focused on the drinker, children are often neglected and their individual contributions go unacknowledged. This may result in acting out behavior, aggression, bed- wetting, taunting, anxiety, withdrawal and isolation that in turn can increase the pressure on non-drinking parents. Another important problem is that children of alcoholics lack a satisfactory role model for their own behavior. Hence, the children represent an important high-risk group both because of their proneness to problem drinking during child hood and their proneness to problems in later life. Hence, the tragedy of alcoholism lies in its detrimental effects on future generation. Alcoholism of the individual affects not only the family but also even the basic fabric of the society. Alcohol causes poverty leading to crimes and prostitution that in turn ends up in the break down of any society's integrity and existence.

Studies have reveled that alcoholics" families acquire certain typical coping strategies within the family system (Orford et. al 1975). Children take up age inappropriate activities to maintain the domestic harmony, become a support to the non-drinking parent, and hence exposed to moral, emotional, and financial dilemmas not appropriate to their age, experience or understanding. This invariably evokes further stress, feelings of hopelessness, withdrawnness and depression in alcoholics. Thus, a vicious cycle of alcohol, stress and maladjustment is found to exist.
The present study therefore attempts to investigate the nature of Maladjustment among the children of alcoholic parents


The central theme of the present investigation is to study the nature of maladjustment among children of alcoholics. Based on available literature and discussion with experts in this field, following objectives were formulated before starting the study.

1 To find out maladjustment among children of alcoholics.

2 To find out whether male and female children of alcoholics vary on maladjustment.

3 To find out whether first child of alcoholics score high on maladjustment compared to other siblings.


H1 1. There is significant deference between children of alcoholics and children from normal family on maladjustment.

H1 2. There is significant deference between male and female children of alcoholics on maladjustment

H1 3. There is significant deference between first children of alcoholics and their siblings on maladjustment

The present study is designed to investigate the nature of Maladjustment among the children of alcoholic parents.


Proposed sample of the study includes 400 children from deferent parts of Kerala. Out of the 400 children, 300 are from alcoholics" families and the rest 100 from normal families who serve as control group.


Mathew maladjustment inventory

Mathew maladjustment inventory assesses five major aspects of maladjustment viz., anxiety, depression, mania, inferiority, and paranoia. The test is reported to have high degree of content validity. The coefficient of reliability (split half) of the subscales ranged from 0.6 to 0.9, the total score having a reliability of 0.9 (Mathew, 1975)


2 x 2 Factorial design with experimental and control groups on one axis and male and female on the other axis .The four groups to be tested on deferent aspects of maladjustments.


2 x 2 ANOVA for independent groups to be conducted for analysis of gathered data.

Other suitable statistical techniques will be used for further analysis


Glassner, B and Loughlin, B. Drugs in Adolescent Worlds: Burnout to straight, London: Macmillan Press, 1987.

Mathew, V.G, Manual of Mathew Maladjustment Inventory, Department of Psychology, University of Kerala, 1975.

Orford, J, Guthrie, S, Nicholls, P, Oppenheimer, E, Egert, S, and Hensman, C, Self reported coping behaviour of wives of alcoholics and its association with drinking out come. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 1975, 36-1254-67

Dr. Hari S.Chandran, M.Phil (Psy), Ph.D, PGDPC, C.Psychol.(Eng.), is working as Cons. Psychologist, Department of Deaddiction & Mental Health, St.Gregorios Mission Hospital, Parumala. Kerala, INDIA. dr_hari@sancharnet

Living with an alcoholic is very taxing on the non-drinker because it is so all-consuming and stressful, and wears tremendously on your self esteem. Visit for some dos and don'ts

Quitting Smoking Through Hypnosis

Smoking is one of the most difficult vice to let go. It is because it is difficult to drop the habit that techniques and devices were created to help smokers in their fight to become smoke-free. It includes the use of smoking aids like: nicotine patches, artificial cigarettes, nicotine gums that help smokers get through nicotine cravings. Some techniques use the help of relaxation exercises like deep-breathing exercises or yoga to help calm a person down during moments of restlessness when withdrawal symptoms attack. And some people find it easy to just undergo hypnosis to get rid of their smoking habits. But how does hypnosis help in the fight to stop smoking?

Hypnosis isn't just a simple technique wherein a trained professional embeds thoughts into your mind and you'll wake up wanting to do what they tell you. It also involves positive affirmations and suggestions to back you up on your chosen cause. Hypnotherapy has a particularly high success rate in helping smokers fully quit, making it one of the most commonly sought out treatments for quitting smoking. It is also partly because, instead of focusing on the negative aspects of smoking, it informs the smoker of the positive effects they can enjoy if they stop smoking.

Usually people who use the natural method of quitting smoking complain about the most crucial part of the process, this is the time when withdrawal symptoms start kicking in. These withdrawal symptoms include restlessness, dry mouth, nicotine craving, quitter's flu, irritability, fatigue, an inability to concentrate, constipation, and a feeling of tightness in the chest. These symptoms are largely a result of powerful conditioned responses. With hypnotherapy as a means to quit smoking, you can do away with the hassles of experiencing these withdrawal symptoms. With hypnosis, we reinforce these conditioned responses with positive thoughts. This means creating new conditioned responses to override those that think you will fail to stop smoking.

Here is an easy and simple way to get yourself started in stopping smoking for good: make a list of all the benefits you can enjoy from being a non-smoker. Close your eyes and imagine your future self where you are no longer a smoker. Let your future self think back on the time line and remember how quick and easy it was for you to stop smoking. Reflect on the wonderful feeling you felt when you realized the one day you've let go of the desire to smoke and stopped giving it any thought. Think of how proud you will feel the next time somebody offers you a light and you were able to successfully refuse. Enjoy that freedom and bring it back with you to your present self. To create an anchor for this feeling, press your thumb and forefinger together on your right hand and hold it for about thirty seconds.

After having anchored that new, powerful condition response follow these steps when you feel a craving to have the treatment work more effectively:
1. Take three deep breaths, hold each breath for at least eight counts, and then exhale fully.
2. Drink a large glass of water all at once.
3. Use the anchor you've created and have a nice, long moment of peace and quiet.
4. Eat an orange. Oranges have bioflavinoids that combat cravings. The act of peeling an orange also gives your hands something to do, and the smell of the orange is a lot better than that of cigarette.

Hypnosis is more than what we see in television shows or movies. In fact, you cannot make people do anything using hypnosis. The truth is, if someone doesn't want to stop smoking, they will be even more definite about that during hypnosis sessions! People can always lie during hypnosis sessions, the effectivity of this treatment only depends on a person's willingness to let go of this habit and finally stop smoking.

Stop Smoking With Hypnosis
Quit Smoking Hypnosis

Stop Smoking Hypnosis

Have you tried endlessly to quit smoking only to fail after just a month, week or even a day? Do you want a healthy and secure future knowing that you will be free from smoking and have reduced the risk of getting all of the nasty illness’ that smoking offers? Are you just fed up and want to quit now? Stopping smoking can be as easy as you want to make it with hypnotherapy and Self Hypnosis. In fact science proves just how successful hypnosis is for stopping smoking, so why not give it a go today and let the results speak for themselves.

As a hypnotherapist the mass of my business is helping people successfully give up smoking – especially around new years with folks trying to stick to their resolutions. I am amazed how many people come to see me to use hypnotherapy to quit, saying that ‘this is my last chance, I have tried everything before’. The reason that this statement shocks me so much is that according to research, hypnosis is the second best way to quit smoking. It is only seconded by contracting heart disease and let’s face it – who wants to go that far to give up smoking? Not me that’s for sure.

So what would life be like if you could just walk away from your smoking right now and leave it in the past? What a relief will it be when you have no cravings and full control over your habits and behaviours? What will you do with all of the extra money that you will save from not smoking? Just imagine how much more fitter you will feel and how great it will be not to smell of cigarette smoke all the time. Just imagine the freedom that your new life will bring you and your loved ones!

If you are really serious about being a happy and contented non smoker and want to do it the easy way, then I suggest that you think about hypnosis being your best chance of success. Just think, this time tomorrow you could be that happy and content non smoking person. I recommend trying a hypnosis download or recording or even take the time to look up your local hypnotherapist and seek their help.

Your success in stopping smoking is just around the corner! Grab this opportunity with both hands and get the life of your dreams. I wish you the best of luck and success in your new life as a non smoker.

Stop Smoking With Hypnosis
Quit Smoking Hypnosis

Monday, February 15, 2010

An Introduction to Bonsai Maple Trees

Bonsai trees have long been a favorite hobby of many due to their interesting shapes and decorative appeal. Bonsai trees can be grown indoors to decorate a living room, den or office or left in the garden for an exotic look. This is a unique hobby that lets one combine their love for growing plants with their creative skill in shaping the bonsai.

The maple is one of the most popular trees used for bonsai. Of the maple family, two are particularly popular: The Trident Maple and the Japanese Maple. This article will provide you with a brief introduction to these two bonsai maple trees.

The Trident Maple (Acer buergerianum) is an oriental deciduous tree. It is very tolerant to pollution, which is why it can be grown in cities and towns. The trident maple is quite hardy as far as bonsai trees go, but it will still need special care, particularly with regards to protecting it from frost. The trident maple's roots have high moisture content; and during winter this can become a disadvantage. In order to protect this maple from frost, you can try keeping it in a greenhouse or covering it with straw during winter. The trident maple should be placed in a sunny spot that has shade in the afternoons.

The Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) is also known as the Japanese Mountain Maple. There are many varieties of Japanese maple to choose from; it is a very popular bonsai maple tree. Just to give you an idea, there is the Nishiki Issai, Ara Kawa, Nishiki Sho, Nishiki Gawa - these are varieties with rough barks that age quickly. There are also varieties with unusual barks - this includes the Sanku and the Aoyji. The Kiyo-hime Tama-hime are examples of the dwarf varieties. These grow more like bushes rather than trees.

The Japanese maple has a diverse variety of hybrids, by some counts more than three hundred. The leaves of Japanese maples range from light green to deep burgundy. Like the trident maple, Japanese maples are quite durable trees. Air pollutants and insects are usually not a problem for them. The Japanese maple grows best in moist, fertile soil, and do not perform as well in places when exposed to too much sun.

Caring for your bonsai tree is not that difficult. It needs the appropriate amount of sun and water. The maples prefer a bit of shade with not excessive direct sunlight. If you have yours in a pot, you can place it where you want but be sure to move it out of the direct sun during the hottest part of the day. You should not let your bonsai dry out but also, do not drown it in too much water. Careful pruning and shaping of the bonsai will give you a lovely tree that will last for years.

Bonsai maple trees are quite beautiful and are ideal for bonsai beginners. Their innate durability makes them easy to take care of. And let's not forget that they are also some of the most incredible-looking bonsai around!

Grow a bonsai from a Bonsai seeds and discover the japanese art.
Learn how the Japanese hornbeam bonsai are beautifull bonsai tree specimen.

Small Business Directory Success!

Internally focused business plans target intermediate goals required to reach the external goals. They may cover the development of a new product, a new service, a new IT system, a restructuring of finance, the refurbishing of a factory or a restructuring of the organization. If you are a business man, and are looking out to allure more potential customers you should register your self in small business directory. Post your products and its product review in all popular small business directory, so that you draw enough of traffic towards your website. It also allows a customer buy products online soon after he/she has viewed the product.

Externally focused plans target goals that are important to external stakeholders, particularly financial stakeholders. Make your product attractive to all. The listing of your web site in small business directories is the basis of all marketing campaigns. Search engines love to find links towards your site and reward it accordingly. The more varied the links, the greater the reward. Social book marking of your web site also helps in achieving back ward links towards your site. Seek out for link building service, and get your site submitted to a huge database of small business directories. In addition to this, article writing, also helps gain good traffic towards your web site. Write it your self or get it written by experts and post them in the article directories.

Choose those services which fit your budget well. Ethical search engine optimisation company can boost your rankings in the search engines and advise you on the realistic terms you should be targeting. Similarly Small business directory will be a good source for targeting your business web sites and to promote your products. Get your web site noticed. Reach out to the small business directory services to get your self noticed by your potential customers.

Kirthy Shetty, Platinum author

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Security For Your Home: Exterior Lighting

We all wish to keep our homes and businesses safe and well protected.This will be accomplished in an exceedingly large variety of ways and costs. One, rather simple, methodology for assisting in this goal is typically overlooked by the multitudes but is one of the most effective measures that may be taken so as to shield not solely the property from intruders however additionally to safeguard those on the property from unnecessary injury thanks to an inability to determine what is happening in the exterior after hours.

Seriously, poor lighting will create a home or business a a lot of a lot of attractive target than the house adjacent that has adequate exterior lighting. Home intruders might on occasion not be the sharpest tools within the shed but those that are successful in this line of labor are only successful as a result of they do understand the laws of opportunity. A dark shady space that is concealed from the view of others presents a far additional attractive target to would be intruders than a well-lit and revealing access purpose into a home.

When designing the protection plan for your home and business you really need to attempt and suppose sort of a criminal. If you were going to break into your home or business where would you are trying to realize entry? Those are the areas that need to be well lit and offer very little within the means of concealment opportunities for people who would attempt to form an uninvited entrance. Do not build storage sheds close to windows and doors. Instead, keep them removed from these areas. Storage units give concealment and shadow in areas where this could not be desired.

Not all security is merely from invasion. You ought to additionally be concerned about the health and welfare of people who live and work in your home or business. Having the realm surrounding your home and business will not only reveal intruders however additionally obstacles, holes, and etc. that could pose risks of injury additionally to potential intruders. You ought to conjointly bear in mind that not all intruders have only possessions in mind once they create their grand entrance. Creating your home or business uninviting as a 'pit stop' for these criminal parts also makes it safer for your family, friends, coworkers, and employees.

You are doing not would like to light-weight up your home or business sort of a military installation so as to attain the very security you seek. Motion sensor lights that only light up the area in which motion is detected will prove basic enough protection in several cases without inviting the neighbors to complain concerning the unending daylight you manage to create.

Rope lights give low level and ornamental lights but they conjointly invite passersby to require a look at your property. This in itself makes your property unattractive to intruders if there's any kind of regular traffic in your neighborhood or an energetic variety of neighbors that walk dogs, star gaze, or have interaction in any alternative nocturnal activities.

If rope lights aren't appealing, many homes make judicious use of solar powered ornamental lights, as part of their landscaping additionally to a hopeful deterrent to would be intruders. Combining two or additional of the varieties of exterior lighting mentioned above may web even bigger results. Prevention is usually the simplest plan when it involves things like home or business security also because the protection of those that live and work in your home or business from potential harm thanks to inadequate exterior lighting.

These are all things that should be considered when making a security set up for your home or business. Lighting is vital for several reasons. Despite the actual fact that many people have top of the road security equipment and can't notice their manner across their lawns when lights are out far too few folks bother to require the necessity for adequate exterior lighting seriously. It is our hope that the readers of this text will have a replacement understanding of how abundant proper lighting will do to protect your home.

Motion Sensor Outdoor Lighting makes a lot of sense. But not all Outdoor Motion Lights are built the same. Truth is that many lights get a mixed review. Visit us to get more information on various outdoor sensor lights.

Friday, February 5, 2010

High Rankings - How do Search Engines fit into Your Business?

Even if you’re clueless when it comes to Internet marketing, you probably already know about search engine rankings and the importance of being near the top of the list when people search for key words related to your product or service. Although there are other ways to get attention and drive customers to your website, rankings are still an important part of the online marketing puzzle. The rules often change, and it can be difficult to keep up with the crowd, but if you follow a few tried-and-true tricks of the trade you will be more than likely to meet with success.

So what is the best way to optimize your site without getting into trouble with the search engines? Set up to constantly work against spammers and provide search results that users can trust, Google and Yahoo! work with search algorithms in order to come up with relevant search results. They change these algorithms on a continual basis to stay one step ahead of those looking to exploit the methods employed by search engines and reach the top of the list unfairly. But there are legitimate ways to optimize your site without landing in hot water with Yahoo! and Google.

One method of achieving a good rank in the major search engines is to optimize your site’s content using keywords, although this technique is losing ground in favor of newer ranking systems. Including particular keywords in your site’s content makes it easier for the search engines to find you on the web. You must also keep up with relevant keywords over time and continue to optimize accordingly. Keep in mind it’s best to focus on Yahoo! and Google search engines because they are the top 2 in the search engine world and will drive the most traffic to your website.

Keywords can help improve your rankings, but you have to be careful when using them. Only use keywords that are relevant to your site’s theme because inserted keywords that are unconnected to your site are a cause for penalty. One great place for a keyword is in your domain name. Just be sure that the keyword shows up in the root of the URL, rather than the stem, as some search engines do not take kindly to sites that include keywords in a URL’s stem.

Also add keywords to any content you have on the site. Other places to put keywords include: title tags in your source code; in the meta description of your site; and in your meta keyword tags.

But now the best way to become popular in Google and Yahoo’s books is by proving your popularity in the online world. The way the search engines determine a site’s popularity is by analyzing how many other sites link to it. So let’s say you run a website selling cookie cutters. You will rank high in the search engines if a lot of other quality websites, related to your business in some way, contain a link back to your site. For instance, you might ask the person running a site selling cookie dough or baking accessories to place a link to your site on one of their pages. Getting your link on a site offering cookie recipes, baking tips and other cooking information might be a good idea as well. In turn, offer to list their websites, and you just might start showing up higher in the rankings.

Of course, the pure number of links you have is not the only test of popularity. In fact, the major search engines mostly look for quality links. If you have a bunch of links to irrelevant websites, you won’t really turn up in the search engines. But if your links show up on high-traffic, quality websites relevant to your own site’s theme, the search engines are going to pay more attention to you as a trusted site.

Another effective way to rise in the search engine rankings is by including high-quality content on your site, such as articles. Good information related to the theme of your website will ensure that real people find your site useful and want to link to it. Sprinkling keywords throughout the text naturally is also a good way to make use of the content on your site as a way to attract search engines.

Next, submit your site to online directories, such as Yahoo! and the Open Directory Project. Search engines also scour these directories so being listed in as many places as possible can’t hurt.

You can also create several sites all related to your overall theme or product as a way to boost rankings. This establishes a community of sites that is easier for the search engines to sniff out. Then use your group of sites to link to one another, thus making all your product sites more popular in the eyes of the search engines.

If you work hard to establish your site and avoid the pitfalls that can get you kicked out of the search engines, your site will climb the search engine ladder before you know it.

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