Thursday, January 28, 2010

Data Center Colocation

Complete control over your web hosting provision!

Each data center has full power backup in case of an outage. Generators, in combination with UPS systems, guarantee maximum availability. Industry-leading Service Level Agreements (SLA) define the level of guaranteed availability, ranging from 99.9% to 99.999%. The configuration of the electrical connection for a client’s equipment depends on his specific requirements.

Data centre collocation industry offers comprehensive approach to information technology, enables businesses to focus on increasing revenue and profit, not managing technology. One can benefit from this experience and gain direct access to the most reliable, widely deployed networks in the world.

A client’s server will be in good hands with collocation services. Take benefit of such services from our years of experience and quality non stop support. Gain direct access to the most reliable, widely deployed networks in the world. Such data centre eliminates the need for expensive equipment such as generators and UPS's as these are all included in the standard service charge. For the highest availability colocation services you can compare online and choose the right place. Data centre team of professionals offers you fully managed support services including OS installation and configuration to something as simple as a server reboot. With a round the clock on site staff of highly trained engineers and support staff, client’s servers will be backed by the best in server collocation professional services.

Colocation services are available via some web hosts through the use of their private cages, or you can pay a data centre directly to have your server located in a cage which is run by the data centre itself. Other equipment such as networking equipment and storage equipment can also be colocated within server racks. Colocation hosting has many advantages above ordinary dedicated server hosting, such as the fact that most data centres provide a ‘remote hands’ service if your server needs a task doing such as an OS reinstall which can only be done from the console; also, the connectivity that your equipment receives will probably be better than that you would receive on a dedicated server, the reason being that your equipment is surrounded by your own equipment meaning that you don’t have any other customers around you that could be a burden on your connection speed.

Data Colocation network is wired in a redundant, meshed configuration for maximum uptime. In the event of a failure in any one device the redundant hot-spare takes over automatically within seconds. Not that our equipment is liable to failure in the first place, with redundant PSU's, processing engines and blades.
In practice, this means your own server is installed in a rack in one of the data collocation centre, taking advantage of our bandwidth and network resilience to connect to the Internet.

Data Center Migration

Data center migration services

Defining A Better Fit For Your Data Center Outsourcing Needs

The key to a successful outsourcing relationship is identifying a partner who can provide cost-effective solutions with the relevant resources and the ability to adjust services as business changes over time. Outsourcing decisions should be made by examining whether an organization is effective and efficient in providing a function that is strategic to the business. IT operations and support organizations are often viewed as an overhead that provides a commodity function that can be easily and safely outsourced. However, IT operations and support functions may be core capabilities because flexible, stable and reliable operations are the foundation for enterprise applications and business processes. IT operations outsourcing proposals are often evaluated and executed with inadequate information about services and costs. The result may be an agreement that does not define the full set of services required, does not result in expected cost savings, and requires retaining a significant number of internal staff to close service gaps and monitor the outsourcer. Good business decisions are based on understanding services and costs, the impact of change, and the risk associated with IT services that do not meet business requirements.

What Should Be Outsourced?
Data center outsourcing services are one of the most mature IT service categories available in the market. In a mature market, one should expect external service providers (ESPs’) to understand market dynamics — as well as client’s wants and needs — and invest in making their services better, faster and less expensive. No “one size fits all” exists for outsourcing. The build-or-buy decision will be based on different criteria for different organizations.

Sourcing decisions may also be influenced to a great extent by factors such as politics and culture and economic stability. Therefore a long-term decision — typically, five to 10 years requires an ability to align IT with business goals, identify gaps in IT capabilities, understand the capabilities available in the market and determine how in-house and supplier responsibilities can best be shared.

Cybernet-SlashSupport is a leading provider of technology support services for enterprises and technology service providers. As a diverse end-to-end IT solutions provider, CSS provides flexible, customized solutions tailor-made to meet specific requirements.

CSS provides a complete portfolio of infrastructure management solutions and support services for geographically distributed network resources, 24x7. Our infrastructure management solutions are based on an architecture that is open and scalable thus enabling easy integration of vendor or customer-supplied tools. CSS provides infrastructure management solutions for a broad spectrum of servers, storage, networks, security, databases, desktops, and applications. By automating corrective actions, IT organizations decrease problem resolution time and improve system availability and reduce downtime.

At CSS Corp, our processes and systems are exclusively tuned to support the client’s operations, with extensive simulation labs and resolution focused environment. Our Centers of Excellence (CoEs) are dedicated to provide superior support services required to succeed in today's competitive marketplace. Our global delivery model provides flexibility, and ensures high quality service, cost savings, localization and reduced risk. We help enterprises drive software and IT process improvements by aligning their internal practices to industry best practices and frameworks such as CMM/CMMi, ITIL, RUP, ISO, SAS 70, COPC and BS 7799.

CSS supports and manages technology infrastructure platforms and applications for Fortune 2000 companies, and provides support solutions for products and applications from ISVs and consumer technology providers.

Data Center Migration

Data center migration services

Monday, January 25, 2010

Healthcare Providers--It's Time For Your Checkup!

I think this is a good time for a checkup, or physical as it is termed in the healthcare industry. I mean this is a good time to check the health of your site or setting. As healthcare providers, we are dedicated to curing our patients of their ills and keeping them healthy. My question is, “Do you have the same attitude about the place you work?” Is your site meeting its highest goals? If not, then it is time for a change.

I think that as a group healthcare sites are a lot like our patients. Some patients don’t work hard at keeping healthy. In fact, many engage in behavior that is very detrimental to their well-being. You probably can easily image such a person. Maybe they are very overweight. Well, there are many healthcare facilities that are like that. They have many processes in which there are steps which add no value, that are a complete waste of time and effort. Then, there are patients who do a lot of the right things. They eat correctly, get a good amount of exercise, and generally have a positive outlook. There are a few healthcare facilities that are fit too.

What does a healthcare site in not so good shape look like? These sites, I believe, have as their goals just to meet their compliance standards, those set by the state, JHACO, or the FDA or some other body. As long as they are being accredited, they are satisfied. Their attitude may be, “If it isn’t broken, don’t change it.” They are like patients who are content to just sit on the couch, watch TV, and eat whatever they like as long as they don’t feel poorly.

What does a healthcare site in good shape look like? I believe that such sites are continually looking for ways to better themselves. They engage in “continuous quality improvement” activities. They are really concerned about the health and attitudes of their patients and clients. They use surveys and they question and listen. Some even use a tool called quality function deployment when designing new facilities or programs.

Besides listening to patients, they pay close attention to their employees. They actively seek ideas from the employees on how things could be done better. They want to have their employees enjoy working at their site and support its mission. The leaders of such sites actively reflect this attitude.

Further, such sites seek ways to improve the processes at their site. They cut waste and save time and improve the bottom line. Many tools for doing this can be found in quality disciplines such as Lean Healthcare and Six Sigma. You can find a very good white paper on Lean Healthcare at the website.

What are the results of these positive and active approaches? Our patients are happier, fitter, and find time to do the things they want. They generally live longer with fewer health problems. Healthcare sites which are actively engaged in continuous quality improvement programs generally find that they have the time to accomplish their objectives and don’t feel rushed, they have an improved bottom line, and they rarely experience adverse events. The doctors don’t have to work impossible hours to accomplish all they want. They work as a team.

Let me encourage you at this time to sit down with your colleagues and leaders and assess the health of your site. If you find that you fall short of what you should be, I hope that you put in the effort to reach the best goals. After all, we expect the same from our patients, don’t we?

Health Care Information Technology
healthcare information technology consulting

Healthcare Networks

Healthcare organizations increasingly require high performance networks to give medical professionals the information needed to make rapid and accurate diagnoses. Digital patient records and medical imaging drive bandwidth higher as insurance companies and legislators continue to pressure healthcare providers to reduce costs. Data network solutions from NHR enable healthcare organizations to deliver higher quality, more accessible, and more economical care to meet their clinical and business objectives.

Expanding & Upgrading Networks on a Budget - Modern healthcare relies on a burgeoning supply of digital diagnostic images. Ultrasounds, X-rays, PET scans and MRIs quickly grow to tens of mega-bytes per record and bog down network traffic. Pre-owned networking equipment from NHR allows health systems to build the state-of-the-art architecture they need without draining resources.

Regulatory Compliance - It is imperative for Healthcare IT professionals to comply with HIPAA and other government privacy regulations while utilizing the latest e-health technologies and maintaining a top-notch security program under tight budget constraints. Security and integrity of patient records requires a robust network, and NHR places world-class technology within the budget.

Downtime Not an Option for Critical Networks - Healthcare professionals command real-time access to digitized patient information from any location, day or night. With lives on the line, network downtime is not an option. Substantial discounts on pre-owned equipment from NHR make redundant configurations a financial possibility. Onsite sparing strategies offer the ultimate in immediate recovery. NetSure maintenance provides 24x7 support and next-day hardware replacement at a fraction of manufacturer maintenance costs. These affordable solutions are ideal for protecting distribution or access level equipment - keeping every hospital and every physician connected.

Collaboration - Having a high-performance core facilitates multi-specialty or multi-radiologist collaboration so the right people are connected with patient information in order to improve the time-to-treatment ratio and to facilitate access to the right specialists. And what about online patient collaboration? Forward thinking health systems are exploring Telecare models that would allow patients to use online monitoring systems to upload data to their medical records. NHR's expertise and affordable solutions help healthcare organizations innovate their systems and add new information resources.

Health Care Information Technology
healthcare information technology consulting

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Golf Tips for Nasty Swingers

Most golfers have difficulty executing a good golf swing. If you are one of those that belong to the 99.9% that makes nasty swings, I offer you some golf tips, as there are a number of possible reasons for this.

To help you remedy some of these problems, this article offers some golf tips for specific difficulties experienced by novice and average players.

However, what if you are playing a lot but cannot improve your strokes or hits? Take this golf tip, it is best for you to go back to the fundamentals of the sport. Most problems start from improper stance and grip. Identify the strokes that cause you the most problems and focus on improving those strokes. Check your tempo. A good golfer has proper coordination of the moving parts of the body. Speed and timing are also important factors for a good shot. See to it that you are not too anxious while hitting the ball. When you miss, then try again, this time relax yourself.

Once your stance, grip, and timing are corrected, you will see an improvement in your golf swing. In addition to the above, other factors need to be considered and corrected to improve your golf swing.

One of the scariest problems in golf is when the ball crazily turns to either the right or left. This is due to misalignment in the body and the swing plane. To alleviate this problem, do not stand to too close to the ball and shift your weight on your heels.

When hitting the ball, avoid swaying your body. Any unnecessary movements may result to incorrect shots. It is but natural to move your body during stroking, but minimize side-to-side movements. Keep your feet together while hitting the ball as this will minimize body movement.

Also, consciously shift your weight, trying to keep your weight in your heels. Keep a constant pace on hitting the ball, don't decelerate as you make the down swing. Be wary of hitting the ground before the ball, this is called “fat shots” that may lead to injuries.

Do you have bad games because you often push or pull the ball? Then check the distance of the ball and your stance. Make sure that your body is parallel to the target line. For pulling shots, ensure your self of enough coils while making your back swing.

Avoid looking up while hitting the ball, again focus on your hit. See to it that you do not take your eyes away from the ball until it disappears after a shot. Do not be anxious as to where your ball will go. Many golfers say that this is their number one mistake.

Other golf tips are:

· Learn to relax your body, and always make a full turn. Do not swing at the ball, swing through it.

· Too steep a swing path may often smash you tees into the ground. Do not allow your hands to get far ahead of the club head when attempting to make a hit. Also, make your shallow swing constant and back swing, shallow.

The game of golf can be an enjoyable sport for the whole family. With a bit of practice and patience anyone can learn the game.

Get more Golf tips for Beginners.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Online Degrees - How To Make Sure Your Money Is Well Spent

You can improve your career prospects; get a degree next week.

Everyone has seen the ads. Employers have seen the ads too, so are suspicious of degrees from universities they have never heard of.

Is it necessary then to physically attend a university to obtain a degree that employers will recognize? No.

A university degree is no longer only available by physically attending university lectures, seminars and tutorials. Now you can work for your degree 100% online, never setting foot into the hallowed halls of learning unless you choose to.

There are universities that offer Bachelors and Masters degrees online. You can even get a Doctorate 100% online. You have a very wide choice of subject, as wide as if you physically attended the institution. Check out this site

You can get an online degree from many traditional universities, including Harvard and Yale. There are other universities and colleges that only have online courses. Some of these universities are accredited universities; others are not.

If you apply to a non-accredited institution, future employers are unlikely to look favorably on your qualification. This is because some of these non-accredited universities are nothing more than printing shops, churning out degrees as the checks roll in. Everyone has seen the ads for these so-called degrees - The Get your doctorate next week type ads.

There have been cases of prominent government scientists losing their posts because their degrees were exposed to come from one of these non-accredited institutions that produce totally worthless degrees and doctorates.

There are Life Experience degrees where you gain credit for what you have learned in your job over the years, including for experience gained by staying at home and looking after the kids. Treat these especially with extreme caution and do not shell out your money too easily. If it is that easy to get a degree then it really is not worth the paper it is printed on.

How do you protect yourself?

Only do an online degree from a university that an educated friend, aged 40 or older, has heard of. Employers are likely to be in a similar age bracket and will have similar knowledge of universities as your friend.

Only follow degree courses in recognized disciplines. Forget Life Experience degrees.

Expect to have to work for your degree for at least two years.

Online Criminal Justice Degree
Online Degree in Criminal Justice

Friday, January 15, 2010

Men's Electric Shaver - Greater Effect, Smoother Result

The modern man is as much serious about looking good as the modern woman is. According to a recent survey, about sixty per cent of the men fork out a good fortune of their income every month on buying new suits, visiting saloons, pampering themselves in the spas, and even purchasing new cosmetics.

Above all, most men shell out a handsome amount on shaving products such as electric shaver. Men's electric shaver has emerged as a hassle-free and efficient way of performing shave without having to spend much time. It's instant and it also produces better results. A men's electric shaver helps its users strike a good balance between managing time and looking sharp. This is precisely why many executives make it a point to carry an electric shaver with them all the time.

Your prior experience of shaving might have been associated with scratches, cuts and pain. Thanks to the cutting-edge technology and in-depth research, many electronics products manufacturers have come up with an easy solution to offer the modern men a smooth and hassle-free shaving experience. Men's electric shaver is a revolution, you can say, in this respect. You can enjoy the new technology and shaving tool that works automatically on electric and don't let you go through the frustrating and time-consuming shaving process.

With the increasing demand for men's electric shaver, many brands have come forward to develop electric shavers adding new features and making their products unique in their own ways.

Norelco from Philips has got the fame of being the leading manufacturer of men's electric shaver. However, Panasonic and Remington have also hit the market with their own products. They give the privilege of power storage system. The user needs to charge the battery in advance to use it later with their shaver. After charging them for at least 8 hours you can get the battery back up of 30mins. With all these devices you will find power consumption system. All these shavers are provided with safety system to prevent damage. Will you think of a more comfort shaving?

The men's electric shaver has got many benefits over a general shaver. It gives you a close and clean shave in less time. Got bored of using creams, water and making foam and then washing it off? Yes, you have got a way out of it with this special men's electric shaver. Aside from offering a clean and smooth shaving experience, the electric shaver save you from the hassle of having to use shaving cream, shaving brush, and razors. It works on any form of electricity. You can never get any other razor that takes care of your skin and removes the hair as softly.

While making your purchase of your men's electric shaver you should take care of the important feature- the battery life. You may need to use your shaver where you don't get an electric connection to fit your shaver. The rechargeable battery comes to your help at that time. Hence, check the back-up capacity of the battery and ensure that the electric shaver has a battery indicator. It will inform you when you are running short of battery.

Electric shavers are ideal for people who lead a hectic lifestyle and always put their work above life. This electric device helps you manage time well, and get you ready for any important event where you need to look your best. Whether you are getting ready for a boardroom meeting or going out on a nice date, you would want to have a clean shave and look sharp. If you are hard pressed for time, electric shaver can be extremely handy as you can get a shave almost anywhere, anytime.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for PoloMercantil

Mens Electric Shavers | Men's Electric Shaver

The Good and the Bad of Electric Men's Shavers

Shavers come in different shapes, sizes, and makes. But it basically boils down to two main types: men's razors and electric men's shavers. Different men have different preferences when it comes to have that handsome, neatly shaven look. But some men take advantage of technology and acquire high-tech gadgets, including shavers. Electric shavers have advantages and disadvantages too. We will just focus on the main ones, so it's up to you to check which outweighs which.

Advantage: Convenience

With electrically powered men's shavers, you have rotary blades that move hundreds of times faster, therefore cutting your shaving time to half. Also, it is portable. You can carry it around, stash it in the car, and put it in your pocket. If you're in a rush, you may skip the preparation ritual in your bathroom and just shave while driving on your way to your work or your date, or shave in your workplace's men's room. Lastly, you don't have to buy new razors or blades every time since the ones in electric men's shavers do not dull easily.

Disadvantage: Not many really!

Since electric shavers have protectors like steel screens and nets, for some men they do not shave the hair close enough. Some men's skin is more sensitive than others and those screens irritate them, therefore, ending up with rash-like spots on their face. Also, since these modern shavers are electrically powered, maintenance is needed and some problems might occur. If broken, the shaver's replacement parts may be expensive.

What you can do to make an informed decision about determining which shaver is for you and base your choice on your lifestyle and grooming needs. Today more and more Men are choosing to go with electric men's shavers.

Click HERE for some great FREE informative articles and a superb Site where you can see all the latest models and is designed especially for us Men who are thinking of changing to a men's shaver.

Did you find this Article helpful? If you did, why not take a look at my other articles?

Mens Electric Shavers | Men's Electric Shaver

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Introduction to the Online Nursing CEU

For those in need of completing nursing CEU credits, online options may be a new area. This introduction to the online nursing CEU will help you get started in your research of online CEU options.

State Requirements

An introduction to the online nursing CEU would not be complete without a mention of state requirements. Before you choose a CEU program, first determine if your state requires specific CEU credits. Many states do require these as new health care issues arise. Before you spend time and money on other CEU programs, first determine if you need a specific program, and then you can research to see if the required CEUs are available through an online program.

Variety of Options

No introduction to the online nursing CEU would be complete without a mention of the many options from which to choose! If you have met your state's requirements and are looking for CEU options to further your career or to learn more about a particular area of health care, look no further than online! Regardless of your interests and career goals, you can find a CEU program. Again, ensure that your state licensing body will accept the credits before enrolling.


As soon as you begin researching online nursing CEU options, you will see that many CEU programs are free. Others are quite expensive. Some of the differences are the number of CEU credits offered by the program. Free CEU courses can be quite good, but as with all CEU credits, some research into the provider and your state's acceptance of the credits is necessary. This holds true for expensive programs as well! A pricey course does not guarantee its quality nor that it will be accepted by your state.

Where to Look

As a professional nurse, you're likely involved with one or more professional organizations. Contacts through these organizations can be a great way to learn about online CEU options and to talk with others who have completed the courses. Ask others for their opinions about any courses you are considering.

Online LPN Programs

Online LPN Nursing Programs

The Advantages of Earning an Online LPN Nursing Degree

If you are interested in entering the nursing field, a degree as a Licensed Practical Nurse, or LPN, may be a good option for you. Depending on the state where you live, the degree may also be known as a Licensed Vocational Nurse, or LVN. It is the basic level of nursing, and requires that you pass a state board exam called the NCLEX, or National Council Licensure Examination, exam.

Obtaining the Designation

In order to become an LPN, you will need to complete the appropriate training. One important aspect is that you need to train for a year in a hospital, vocational technical school, or community college. You can also train for an LPN degree online. However, before you choose a program, check with your state to ensure that your education will qualify you to sit for the licensing examination.

The advantages of earning an online LPN nursing degree are many. For one, if you are currently working or have other obligations, you can work on your degree without having to quit your job. Additionally, you may be interested in attending a school that is not in your area, but offers an LPN program.

Working as an LPN

The advantages of earning an online LPN nursing degree include the ability to earn the education you need to begin working as a nurse. Should you choose to later seek an RN (Registered Nurse) or other degree, many programs exist online to allow you to move forward with your career.

What can you do as an LPN? While your responsibilities are more limited than those of nurses with additional education, the advantages of earning an online LPN nursing degree allow you to work in the field without making the same level of commitment as required for an advanced degree—and you can always return to school at a later time if desired.

Career Outlook

Careers in the medical field are expected to remain strong. Starting salaries for LPNs can vary, as with any other field; however, the average salary for LPNs is around $34,000 annually.

Online LPN Programs

Online LPN Nursing Programs

Monday, January 11, 2010

Things to put in mind before going out for your deer hunting trips

Maybe you are looking out for an option on how you and your friends can enjoy a thrilling activity like deer hunting trips. Or maybe you already experience the thrill it can give you already, but because you only remember your deer hunting trips as a taboo and you find a lot of mistakes in it you wish that you can turn back the chance and do better. The truth is that it is the common thing that the hunter would wish for if they find a lot mistake in their trips, a better result. It is true that there are lots of things to put on mind when you are going out for deer hunting trips but remember that the real key is about how prepared you are or how knowledgeable you are in your hunting trip. This will only require you a little planning and little packing up so you can enjoy the rest of the trip well.

Having a memorable and perfect deer hunting trips will require you to have yourself prepared in all aspect not only in the things you need to do but also in knowledge. The principle to put in mind is just strived to be better than what you have done before. Don’t be contented on first time trying, you can always strive better and be sure to add more things to your knowledge. It is not so good to rely on theories about hunters so better take the advices of those who are experience and are speaking based on their personal experience. It is always better to read some real experiences of the hunters so you can already know what to expect in your deer hunting trips.

You should be able to realize that in deer hunting trip the most important thing to remember is bringing the right gun and right knife. It is important that you should be aware in basic things like selecting the proper attire and even in complicated things like the four laws of rutting. Having a knowledge about the secrets in operating a firearm will also be helpful in your trip and you will sure to know which way will brought you to your success.

Real hunters already know this fact that using a misinformation will definitely lead to failures or mistakes in hunting.

For more information you can visit trophy whitetail hunts.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

How To Transfer Music to an iPod Without iTunes

How to transfer music to an ipod without iTunes is a question a lot of people have. This is because a lot of you feel that iTunes is holding you back, it's hard to use, and comes with a lot of restrictions. Well things don't necessary have to be this way.

First of all your can turn you iPod into a portable hard drive, you can learn about this at on ways to use your ipod. If you do this you can add music, videos, even documents on it with no need for iTunes. You can basically add any type of file on your ipod, the problem is that because it's an apple method you will still have some restrictions, but it's worth checking out.

Another way is to use softwares like ipod2ipod and floola. These are complicated to use but will give you the posibility to transfer music to an ipod without iTunes and you could even be doing this on any computer. This is of course if they have these softwares. But the whole point is the fact that you won't be limited to one computer and one itunes library.

Now if you want to move things even further there are gadgets that help you transfer music from an ipod without iTunes. One such gadget is miShare. This thing enables you not only to dispose of iTunes but also to transfer music or anything else, directly between ipods. What I am saying is that, with this, you can meet your friend, tell him to bring his ipod and BAM!. You can get all his songs extremely simple. Let me explain how this goes. You select your songs/videos/images/playlists and add them to your To-Go list on your ipod. Then what do you do? You just plug both ipods in the miShare, wait for them to sync and push the only button it has. It's very fast and simple to use.

There are a lot of ways to transfer music to an ipod without iTunes. Just make sure you use the one that is most suitable to you, simple and quick.

Watch videos and learn more at Share Music Between iPods

Koop iTunes Gift Cards.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Debt Problems – How To Manage Yourself Out Of Debts

Are you having trouble paying your monthly bills? Or worried about losing your home and car because you have problems paying for your monthly installment?

Well, you are not alone. Many people face a financial crisis in some part of their lives. Whether the crisis is self created (over spending) or by accident (family illness, or loss of a job), it can be prevail over. Your financial health can only improve if you put your heart and soul into nursing it.

The first step to manage yourself get out of debts is to develop a budget plan. Take some time to think over and do a realistic assessment of how much you earn and spend each month.

List your expenses into fixed and variable and identify which are ‘needs’ spending that you cannot live without (for example food and house mortgage), and ‘wants’ spending that you can survive without spending.

Get a good idea of how much you need to spend on your fixed and ‘needs’ spending and always leave enough money for them. The goal is to make sure you can make ends meet on your basics needs: housing, food, health care, insurance, and education. And reduce your ‘wants’ expenses as far as possible.

If you have creditors, contact them immediately to tell them frankly that you are in financial difficulties. Ask them to work out a payment plan that you can manage so that you can still pay them. You’ll be surprise that most of your creditors are wiling to negotiate and work out a better repayment plan for you.

Manage your secured debts especially your auto loan. Lenders have the right to repossess your car if you default on your payment. Instead of waiting for your car to be repossessed and paying extra fees. Talk to your lender and ask if you can sell or trade in your car for a cheaper one. Alternately, ask for grace period so that you can save on the added costs of repossession and a negative entry on your credit report.

Your public library and bookshops should have more information about budgeting and money management skills. Do not hesitate to consult them for more advice if needed. Start a budgeting plan to nurse yourself back to a good financial health today!

Kristy Sinsara

Kristy Sinsara

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Adventures with Hypnosis

In 1949, I had a real problem with a dental phobia. Four dentists had turned me down as a patient. I had two abscessed teeth and a mouthful of other cavities. My dental phobia was so bad that it had forced me to go to a hospital some years earlier in order to have three abscessed teeth removed while I was unconscious.

I went to a dental convention where I found the recommended dentist who did hypnosis. He couldn't work on my teeth, but he said he thought he could help me. So, at the lunch break, I went to his room with several other dentists, and he hypnotized me with a “standard” induction technique. Then, he taught me a psychological trick of relaxation. If I raised my left hand whenever I felt my right hand becoming a fist, indicating tension, the dentist would stop, and I would relax my right hand, and lower my left hand.) I didn't believe it would work, but I made an appointment with the last dentist who had turned me down and had recommended hypnosis.

For the first few minutes, I kept raising my left hand, and he stopped immediately. After that, I didn't need to raise my left hand much at all, and he worked fast.

He pulled the two bad teeth, and drilled and filled a dozen more in one single hour and half session. I had Novocain for the bad ones, and didn't need it for the others. Both the dentist and I were amazed at this, and he asked if I were really twins

To me, a 22-year-old engineering student, this was a genuine “miracle”, and I started to learn all I could about this miracle cure. I read everything I could find, from the 1700's literature about Mesmer, Coue, etc, up to Erickson, Barber, etc.

I became an electronic engineer, and pursued this as my major career, but my avocation continued to be hypnosis, and by extension, psychology. (Much of behavior psychology is similar to hypnosis). I used it professionally, taught it in a major university to doctors, and continued to learn about it. I performed some “shows”, and considered a career as a stage hypnotist, but was more interested in using it for helping people, as it had helped me.

In 1979, I left electronic engineering, and turned to psychology. I went back and obtained a Doctorate in Psychology based on my education, life experience, and my doctoral dissertation. I became a successful Behaviorist Psychologist for years in private practice in Florida. I gradually converted to an Orthomolecular practice when I found that these types of therapies worked better than any “talk therapy”, although talk therapy is sometimes useful as well.

Hypnotic Relaxation

During this many years of study, and later career as a psychologist, I realized that what that original dentist who hypnotized me had actually done. With hypnosis, he had simply given me a “new” conscious tool of relaxation. Using this simple tool, I could actually change something in my unconscious called a “phobia”. It wasn't really a miracle, though I had thought so at the time. Adding this knowledge to my knowledge of Pavlovian “conditioning responses”, I came up with what I called the Bate Relaxation Technique.

This is very simple, yet it can be very powerful - much more powerful than most realize because of its simplicity. It starts with a general hypnotic induction technique of relaxing the body muscles, starting with the toes and going up to the scalp and face. Then, in a state of muscle relaxation, ask the subject to visualize a very beautiful relaxing scene he/she is in. Describe the scene. Ask them to concentrate on how beautiful and very relaxing it is.

Then, ask the subject to memorize the feelings of relaxation and concentration they are feeling at that time. Have them put these feelings into their memory like a photograph. Then, give them a post-hypnotic suggestion that they can now recall those feeling any time they simply count to three. End the session, and have the subject stand up, take a deep breath and simply count to three.

It's simply amazing how the shoulders often slump 2-3 inches or some other muscles that the subject usually tenses from stress relax. I describe the “strange” feeling as sort of a “blah” feeling. (As subjects stand up from the session, their “normal” pattern of muscle stress takes effect, and the “instant” relaxation is definitely experienced.)

I then tell the subject that they now have the pattern, but it up to them to use it often, several times a day, even if not needed, for the next week or so. This will set this pattern into their unconscious as a “conditioned response”. (Remember Pavlov's dog?) Now, they have the same tool I got from the original dentist, but it is much more enhanced and valuable. It instantly relieves stress of any kind.

Driving a car a long distance is very stressful. My wife and I recently drove over 20 hours straight thru, with me driving about 14 of those hours. At 78 years old, that's not “usual”. The secret - we both simply count to three every so often and are able to relax behind the wheel. Muscle tension is very tiring, and few are able to relax this muscle tension behind the wheel.

This relaxation technique is very useful in many ways in helping to solve psychological problems of phobias, compulsions, and even some serious physical problems. I was able to solve dozens of Asthma problems in all persons between 7 and 15 years old, and was often successful with older persons as well. (Kids in this age range are very suggestible; some adults are too cynical.)

The system is simple, but effective. First, teach the relaxation. Then, have the patient emulate a really bad asthma attack. “Come on, get really bad, your throat is closing more and more.” It's getting worse and worse.” When the patient really starts to become in distress, say, “Now, count to three”. As he gets to three, he relaxes, and says, “Now, it's gone, and you are in control”.
Many years ago, I did this routine on the 14-year-old son of lifelong friends. When I was visiting them a few years ago, I walked into the store of the son, and he recognized me immediately. I was surprised as it had been over 20 years since he had seen me. He said, “Do you think I could ever forget the man who cured my Asthma?”
It was another great day for my ego.

There's nothing magical or even mysterious about it. All you are doing is teaching a new “trick” to the unconscious mind. This “trick” of instant relaxation is learned as a conditioned response by repetition and use. It becomes a tool for the conscious mind to use in all types of situations to reduce stress. As everybody knows, stress ages us, diminishes the immune system, and helps to kill us.

The various forms of yoga and other meditation techniques are similar, yet different. They relieve stress of course, but are of little use in immediate stressful situations. This relaxation is immediate.

This also can be used for self-hypnosis, positive statements and visualizations.

I also used it for patients that wanted to stop smoking as a “substitute” for that instant craving that comes to an addicted smoker.

One idea makes a lot of people “afraid” of hypnosis. The idea that another person has “control” over them, and can make them do literally anything. Every experiment ever conducted has shown that this is simply not true. Hypnosis cannot force a person to do anything that is against his/her moral code. The unconscious mind is very protective, and is what we are working with either with hypnosis or subliminal training.

There is some possibility of “indirect” misuse of hypnosis. I once witnessed a hypnotist demonstrating this. He had a very attractive woman who was very hypnotizable (instantly into somnambulism by snapping his fingers). He hypnotized her, and told her to take off her clothes. She awoke instantly and was embarrassed, but had no conscious memory of why.

He then hypnotized her again, and this time, told her that she was at home in her bathroom with the door closed, and she was going to take a bath. She calmly started to take off her clothes. He stopped her before she got too far, but she was obviously going to completely strip.

It was interesting how he stopped her. He told her that someone had come into her home, and was near the bathroom door. She said, “Don't come in. I'm not dressed”.

He then had her get dressed, and woke her. She had no memory of the incident.

When I was a young man, I had a girlfriend who I had sex with once or twice. And she had been hypnotized several times as well. One night I wanted sex, but she didn't. I used the cue that hypnotized her, but to no avail. She refused, even hypnotized. So, the idea that someone can make you do something you do not want to do is false. I can testify to that personally. Our unconscious mind is very protective of us in all ways, even though some ways may be wrong.

Of course, if you work with either hypnosis or subliminal training, or virtually any type of serious psychology you have to be aware of the unconscious mind, as that entity is always what you are trying to influence.

Hypnotic Age Regression

This is a very useful tool for a psychologist, or, for that matter, any doctor of any stripe. Under even “light” hypnosis, it can be used to “pull” details from the life of the patient that he/she has forgotten consciously. (The unconscious memory has everything in it.)

There are several “tricks of the trade” involved. After my Relaxation Technique, I used a “deepening” technique that went something like this, “Now, I want you to imagine and visualize yourself going down an escalator as I count to ten. One, imagine yourself stepping on and feeling the steps form under your feet. Two, as you move down, relax even more. Three, as you go down further, concentrate more and more. Four, and as you relax more, you can concentrate more. Five, this positive circle of concentration and relaxation continues as you move down.”

Continue with similar repetitions thru nine, and then, “Ten, step off the escalator into a room. This room is yours alone. It is only in your mind, and no one else can ever get into it. You can make it anything you want. In this room, you can do anything or visualize anything that will help you to be a better person. In this room you can remember anything you want.”

Next, I would start the questioning. For example, a man came to me to try to find a lost valuable diamond engagement ring. He and his fiancé had broken up, and she had returned the ring to him. He remembered taking the ring, but when he got home, he couldn't find it at all. I did the above technique, and then started.

I said. “I want to you to go back in time to the moment when she handed you the ring. Where were you and she at that time?”

He replied, “We were in her living room.”

“Alright, see yourself taking the ring. What did you do with it?”

He said, “I'm putting it into my small watch pocket of my jeans.”

“OK, now you are leaving her. What happened next?”

“I'm getting into my car, and driving home”

“Good, what happens next?”

“I'm going into my bedroom, and changing clothes.”


“I have to go to a baseball presentation dinner.”

“OK, what did you do with your jeans?”

“Oh NO! I had put them in the washer!”

That was the story. He went home and found the ring stuck in the washer. (The usual story of such is that it gets caught in the “U” drain under a sink.) This illustrates the value of “age regression” as a memory aid.

Of course, it's also useful to uncover the beginnings of phobias and compulsions. A woman came to me with a cat phobia and asthma. I did the usual as above, and with a couple of other useful techniques found the problem. One “trick” is to say, “OK, now you are going back in time. It is your 15th birthday. You are awake in that morning. Do you have asthma?”

She replied, “yes.” (She had earlier said on intake questioning that her asthma had started very early. I start well past that so as to get the patient used to going back.)

“Ok, now you are ten years old, just waking up on your birthday. Do you have asthma now?” Same answer.
“OK, you are now five years old, on your birthday. Do you have asthma now?” Same answer

I worked back thru 4 and 3 and 2, 1, and started back in months. I got to the ninth month, and she didn't have asthma. Still she had no memory of anything that was related. So, I went to her tenth month, and went backwards, day to day with the same question. I got to the day when she did have asthma. Now I asked her, “What happened to you during the last day that caused you to have asthma? I am going to count to three, and when I get to three, you will remember everything. One, you're starting to remember. Two, memory is coming back. Three, you now remember everything.”

She then related, “I was lying on my back in a crib, and the cat jumped into the crib, and lay across my mouth. I couldn't breathe, or call out, and I was scared. I don't know what happened, but I think I hit the cat, and she went off me.”

It was two birds with one stone. Cat phobia, and asthma caused at that point. Asthma is often a “protective” device used to keep oxygen in the body. Most can easily breath in but have real problems breathing out. This was her case.

Then, we get to the really interesting part. Age regression to past lives. As an agnostic, I don't really know if the many stories I have heard from many persons are true, or something from the universal mind or what?

Probably the single most impressive story is from the man who came to me with two lifelong phobias that he had had since earliest memory. He was deathly afraid of fire and water. He thought that these phobias might be from past lives, and asked me to try to find out.

He was easily hypnotizable, and with little urging went back thru birth to the previous life. He had been a circus clown, and been burned to death in a circus fire. It was then simple to go back to a previous life to that. It seems that he had stolen a horse, and was caught. The vigilantes didn't have a tree, so they hanged him from a bridge. The rope broke, and he drowned. Of course, it took much more time to go thru, and some suggestions from me. He was cured according to a phone call a week later.

I've had several such interesting cases. Another was fascinating to me. Under hypnosis, a man kept saying, “All I can see is a bird”. I kept after him about this bird for 10 or more minutes, but he couldn't see much more than this bird. Finally, he said, “It's a black bird, and it's on my shield”.

I pressed him harder about his shield, and did he have a sword and a horse. He suddenly screamed, “There's blood all around me, and all over me and my horse. I'm killing people all around with my sword, and they're trying to kill me! ”

I questioned him closely, and it became evident that the date was 1066 at the battle of Hastings as the Normans conquered England.

Is the story true? I cannot say with any certainty, but it was impressive.

When I gave seminars and talks on hypnosis, I usually finished with doing my Relaxation Technique, and my deepening. Then, I would say, “In your room, sitting comfortably, I want you to let your mind go out of your body. Let it go out into space, and as you see earth behind you as that familiar blue and white marble, see space as almost velvety, with stars and planets being very clear and steady. It's really beautiful out here in space. Now, you are coming to a white cloud that is getting bigger and bigger, and you are now entering it. On the other side, there is another blue marble world. As you approach, it looks like Earth, but as you get really close, you see no huge cities, but beautiful parks and lovely buildings that seem to be a part of the landscape. As you come to it, and walk about, you notice that the people are all friendly, and the animals are all friendly, and the gardens and parks all around are simply the loveliest you have ever seen. You are filled with the same sort of happiness that it seems everybody there has. You are at peace with yourself and that place.”

“Now, it's time to leave, and we are going back into space again. Ahead of us is that same white cloud, and this time, as we enter it, we make a left turn, and we are now going back in time. The year is 1700 on Earth, and as we come back to Earth in that time, we are going to each go into a body in that time and place. I want you to look at your feet, and your clothes, and your surroundings, and have a sense of who you are in that body. Now, it's time to return. We are leaving this time and place, and going back thru that white cloud, and back to that blue marble of earth, and back to that comfortable seat, and into your own body again. As I count to three backwards, you are gong to awaken, not drowsy or sleepy or affected by my voice at all, and you will remember everything you experienced.”

Then, I count, “Three, two, one, awake fully awake. Now, how many persons really experienced that beautiful planet?”

About a third or more really did visualize it clearly. (A few were somewhat angry with me for not leaving them longer!) Then I asked, “Now, how many persons experienced themselves in 1700?” Surprisingly, about one third had very good and clear visualizations. One woman was indignant “I had bare feet, and scratched legs, and I was a serving woman”. She had a very high opinion of herself in this life obviously. Needless to say, these stories were very interesting, and varied. One woman impressed me with, “I was in a dark place waiting to be born.”

Of course, such stories do not prove anything. They could be products of imagination, or simply scraps of something from the unconscious or universal mind. However, or whatever they are, taken in bulk from honest persons with no known vested interest, they do prove something beyond our conscious knowledge.

An “Impossible” Story

Here's a true story that is unbelievable to many people. In reading about hypnosis, I came across an article where a professional hypnotist had claimed that he had been able to increase a woman's breast size using hypnosis. I dismissed that claim until in 1978; I read an article by Dr Ted X. Barber in the Journal of Clinical Hypnosis about hypnotic phenomena. This article discussed many different hypnotic phenomena, including several experiments at several different colleges that had all done a similar experiment. As I recall (at this much later date), each college used 8-12 women, all of whom were somewhat flat chested, and all wanted larger breasts.

All were carefully measured, above and below the actual breasts, and across them at the nipples. Once a week for 12 weeks, they were hypnotized as a group, and told to visualize things like, “See yourself in a mirror naked with larger breasts. Admire your larger breasts. See how good they look, and how good you feel with them. Now, see yourself dressed in a very becoming dress, and how well it looks on you with your new breasts. It increases your self-confidence as well. “

These comments were repeated several times. As I recall, the average for all of the various experiments was that 80% actually increased their breast size, and the average increase was 2.1 inches.

Let's take another deeper look at this. The average success rate for losing weight by hypnosis is considered to be less than 65%. In other less reported breast size experiments, DECREASING breast size in women with overly large breasts, the success rate was negligible.

In addition, this suggestion is specific - add body cells to a certain part of the body only! We have no knowledge if actual mammary cells were added, or only fat cells, but still!!!

I've won two bets from other psychologists that this story was published in a reputable scientific journal. I made a hypnosis tape specifically for “breast enlargement”, and heard for a few of the women who purchased it that it did indeed work for them. Unfortunately, few people report either success or failure.

Why doesn't hypnosis work better on the “lesser task” of losing weight, or losing breast weight? The explanation is difficult, but in my experience the social “advantage” to women of large breasts inhibits the unconscious from losing this “advantage”. Some women are “punishing” their selves (or their husbands) by being fat. (Sort of “love me for me, not for my body”). Motives of the unconscious mind are often murky and difficult for our conscious minds to understand. The computer analogy of “garbage in - garbage out” applies here.

Harmful Unconscious Ideas

The unconscious mind can be a force for good or bad. It apparently doesn't discriminate - again like a computer. If a virus gets in, it can distort many other programs in different ways.

Let's examine a very illustrative case. A woman brought in her 8 year old boy for hypnosis for bedwetting. I did the usual direct suggestion, and told her to keep him off all milk products for at least a week.

Two days later, she and her son were back. No success. This time, I did age regression hypnosis. He went back (with a little urging) to when he was 4. He was in bed almost asleep when he heard someone trying to get in his window. He was so scared that he wet himself, and cried out. The burglar (real or imagined) left. The unconscious “logic” to this boy - urination protects from intruders in night. It wasn't difficult to remove this logic (computer virus), and his mother said that he hadn't wet again a few months later.

The great master of hypnotic therapy, Milton Erickson, once had an almost comic situation that he solved in a unique way. It seems that a recently married couple came to him because each was a bed wetter. On their honeymoon, the bed was wet each morning, and each thought the other was very thoughtful in not mentioning it. After a few days, they each confessed and came to Erickson.

He made them agree to do exactly what he said, and then told them to kneel on the bed when they were ready for sleep and each had to urinate, and then sleep in it. They came back several days later, and they had kept their word. He then told them, “Since you did as I told you, tonight you can go to bed normally without the urination, and come back tomorrow”. The next day, they said the bed was dry in the morning, so he “allowed” them another dry night. Then another, and then he declared them “cured”.

These two stories illustrate the immense power of the unconscious for both good and bad. One of the major jobs of the unconscious mind is to “protect” the physical body (home of the unconscious mind) from harm. If a threat is perceived whether real or imaginary, it goes into action, even if the action may be harmful to itself.

Phil Bate PhD - Retired Orthomolecular Psychologist
Inventor and Patent Pending Holder for
Brain Wave Amplitude Changing via Auditory Training
lose weight with hypnosis