Monday, September 28, 2009

What Will Your Legacy Be

How many of us have ever wondered if we have made any difference in this world?

As in the words of the Lee Ann Womack song, remember, "as you move through the days and the years of your life, you do not go unnoticed. You leave a trail, impressions and footsteps, unquestionable proof that you existed in the live of those around you. If you ever think you've not made much of a difference in the world, you have to me." And, I thank you.

Many who accomplish something worth leaving behind start from humble beginnings.

Think about Mozart, who learned to play the piano at age 4 years. At age 5, he began composing music. By age 14, he had composed several instrumental and orchestral pieces. Although he died in poverty, he created over 600 works of music, which are studied and performed by musicians throughout the world. When Mozart dreamed, there were symphonies and concertos playing in his head, and that is something worth leaving behind.

Think about Da Vinci, who was born the illegitimate son of a peasant woman and an Italian merchant. He became a brilliant engineer, painter, and creator of masterpieces as a relatively young man. When Da Vinci dreamed he saw marble as beautiful sculpture. He looked at the walls of a church and saw The Last Supper. The looked at a blank canvas and saw the Mona Lisa. All of those were somethings worth leaving behind.

Now, think about Oseola Mc Carthy. Her formal education did not surpass grade six, although she knew education was vitally important to life. She was forced to drop out of school at a young age to help her family. She wanted to be a nurse, but spent her life working as a washer woman who saved a portion of her meager wages on a regular basis, enabling her to amass a tremendous savings, of which she donated $150,000, to a scholarship fund for students at the University of Southern Mississippi. When Ms. Mc Carthy dreamed she saw a future full of possibilities for young people to do even better than she did.

When I think of the gift I want to leave behind, I dream of a world full of beautiful colors, and shapes, and sizes, and sounds, and textures. My world is full of vibrant reds, and purples, and greens, and blues, and yellows; all mixing together to create a monage of endless patterns. When I think of something worth leaving behind, I reflect on all the experiences in my life that have left an indelible mark on my consciousness. I think of the time in basic training, when I had my hair beautifully styled by one of soldiers on my team that was a cosmetologist, and being sent out to the sawdust pit to "exercise," in the dark of night during a rainstorm in Fort Leonardwood, Missouri.

The exercise session began as I propped my chin up with my hands and tried to continuing rolling left and right, protecting my well coiffed hair. With the onslaught of front, back, go (ie, push-up, crunch, run-in-place) being wailed louder and louder from the drill sergeants standing in the staircase (some chuckling hysterically), the ridiculousness of me trying to save my hair from a certain drenching was laughable. That moment was meant to teach us to maintain a positive and fearless mental attitude, even in a time of stress.

When I think of something worth leaving behind, I can smell my late grandmother's coconut buns baking in the oven, or my mom's homemade bread and ice cream, or my dad's big pot of soup, made with last nights leftovers and anything else he found in the refrigerator.

I think of the beautiful paintings my brother has created that now adorn my walls.

I think of the egg cartoons another brother craftily sketched all over walls of the house we grew up in. Although this amused us, my mother did not find the jokes so funny.

I think of the quirky things some of my students do to imitate the people they love.

When I think of something worth leaving behind, I think of all the people surrounding me on a daily basis, and the great encouragement that we can give each other. I think of a world where people take stock of their talents and gifts, and find ways to share them with the world at-large. I think of a way to create the type of community where each of our world views can connect what is in our heads with what is in our hearts to leave a lasting impression on all.

Most importantly, when I think of something worth leaving behind, I think about the gifts that we can share with each other. That the seeds we plant and water with our words of encouragement become blessings. That feelings become songs. More than the tangible, time together becomes memories. Each of us has talents and gifts that are worth sharing, a diversity that truly makes this community so wonderful, and that is really something worth leaving behind. As you conclude this article, please take a moment to inventory your gifts and talents that you can share with the world and make sure to give generously of the gifts that have been bestowed upon you. This world can only be a better place, if everyone were to use their talents to the fullest. Take care of yourself and make a pact to make a difference.

Adrienne Vyfhuis is a motivational trainer, and creativity coach in the Washington, DC area, with a background in biomedical engineering and clinical psychology, who specializes in career and academic development with young adults and career professionals at all levels. She currently runs a training business and facilitates seminars on dreams development, self-motivation, discipline and staying focused. She has developed and facilitated hundreds of workshops around those topics and currently has several journals in publication which enhance her clients ability to record and continually improve their focus and life progression. She is particularly skilled in teaching parents and grandparents to work with developing the skills, and abilities of their children for life-long impact. Check the website at: for more information.

Get free Nurse Jokes by americas favorite Nurse Comedian Karyn Buxman

Persistence Doesn't Always Payoff

Has anyone ever wondered why some people succeed and others fail? Is it because one is smarter, more educated, prettier, luckier, etc..? If you look at many who have succeeded it is simply due to one thing – they never quit. Now I say that with caution, as if your 5’4” and trying to make it to the NBA, the odds are very much against you ever succeeding. If you look like Hilary Clinton and want to be a Playboy Centerfold, you are probably going to have a very tough go as well.

You see life is full of surprises, but it doesn’t have to be difficult getting to the top; as long as you choose a pathway that isn’t full of roadblocks. Many succeed simply because they walk down the correct alley way. It’s probably no accident that Tom Cruise is a movie star, Drew Carey a comedian, and Kobe Bryant an outstanding basketball player. They have all found the secret of success.

Many don’t quit, because they know they at least have a fighting chance, once they make their entrance to the career of their choice. If you pursue something like singing and all you ever hear from everyone is that you cannot sing, your tone deaf, or you clear out a bar, you might want to find another path, or take singing lessons. The above applies to most anything, as we have to be careful what we do, as time will defeat us always no matter what.

You might fall into a career by accident. I didn’t actually choose my career in sales and marketing, it chose me. Even when I didn’t try, I still was able to make sales. When I did actually work, I always found myself competing with the best of them. I personally would love to just play music and sing. I have actually made several thousand dollars over the years playing music, but after 10 years and a couple of albums, I know that my calling is probably sales and marketing, otherwise more than likely I would have made a better living at music than sales.

You see no matter how badly you want something, you still have to make enough money to pay your bills. You can pursue endeavors that don’t pay you upfront, but no matter what you are after, you are going to have to find a way to make a living interim.

How do you know if sales is a good career for you? I would simply ask the following – is it fairly easy for you to make deals? If it’s not and you find yourself always working hard and getting frustrated - it may be time to move onto something else. Most people who are successful in sales, will tell you that it isn’t hard for them to make deals. I believe sales is either going to be a great career choice for some, or a complete roadway to insanity for many. I would state that you will probably work harder than a ditch digger on death row in sales if you don’t have the persistence, attitude, work ethic and the personality required to succeed.

The reason I bring up sales versus being an artist, nurse, or doctor, is that I have been able to sustain a steady income in sales for over 10 years now. I have hardly ever put in more than 40 hours in a week and have gone from living in a one bedroom apartment, bankrupt, and destitute, to living in a decent home near the beach in a desirable neighborhood about 40 miles North of San Diego, I drive a Mercedes, and have made 6 trips to Australia, since my slow climb upwards.

Now I don’t want to sound like an ego maniac, because things are just things. And the only reason I bring up my materialistic accomplishments; is that no matter how successful you get in life you always have to remember where you come from. To some people I haven’t gone very far, and to others they might say - I’ve done very well. I come from a poor family that couldn’t even afford to send me to college, everything I have obtained over the years I have had to work for on my own. I like you, am still moving forward, and will never quit until the day that God decides my time is up.

The simple goal for writing this letter is that there is nothing wrong with wanting to become successful, just make sure that whatever it is that you pursue, that you follow something that you either already have a talent for, or something that is obtainable. I met a Pro Race Car Driver many years ago, who gave me some advice about becoming a race car driver. When I asked him how I would obtain the same success, he simply asked me, “Do you have a rich daddy?” I got the point, I hope you do too.

John Lowery is a home based entrepreneur. He lives in Carlsbad, CA with his wife and son. John has been involved in sales and marketing for over 10 years, and is also a published songwriter, and member of The Screen Actor's Guild.

Get free Nurse Jokes by americas favorite Nurse Comedian Karyn Buxman

Setting the Mood with Your Date

Nothing makes for a more romantic gesture than one that is made purely for the sake of romance itself. When it comes to seducing a woman if you want to make a really great impression on us then you’ll want to pull out all the stops and create a romantic date without waiting for a special occasion. Not to mention there’s no rule that says you have to wait for a certain day or time.

This particular tip requires knowing a bit about your lady and what she likes and doesn’t like. But you don’t have to know her like the back of your hand in order to make a truly romantic evening for the two of you to share. The most important thing is to consider what you know she finds romantic and then do your best to create that for her. The very fact that you thought of her and wanted to romance her out of the blue will really impress her and make her feel truly special.

Many of these suggestions would take relatively little time for preparation. Remember, it’s sometimes the smallest gesture that will really make a woman feel special. The first romantic setting is a candlelit picnic in a park or other quiet location. This is sure to make your lady feel special. There’s no special occasion needed. This is also easy to put together with a bottle of wine, some cheese, strawberries, whatever the two of you like.

If you have a portable CD player you can bring that along with a disc of romantic music and you’ll have an evening that the both of you are sure to remember. Just don’t forget to check the weather and be sure to bring the blanket!

The next suggestion I have is good for any weather, a nice candlelit meal consisting of her favorite foods and dessert at your place. When you’re planning this evening be sure to have soft, romantic music on and a nice bottle of wine. Her favorite flowers would be an extra nice touch. This meal could be prepared by you or ordered and picked up from a restaurant.

As long as you’ve taken care to choose what she likes it’s sure to be a huge hit! If your place tends to be a bit messy, be sure to take the extra bit of time to clean it up so that she’s not tripping over your tennis shoes or gym bag.

I want to reconcile my marriage! If this sounds like you, we can show you how.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Find Out As Much As You Can From Your Date

Getting to know that special woman is about the time you spend with her, and about what you get from communication, both verbal and physical. And the more you know, the better your chances. Thus if you plan to keep your relationship moving forward, you are going to have to find out as much as you can about her.

After all, the last thing you want to do is to upset her. That's a surefire way to kill your chances for romance. First, make sure you give her a chance not only to speak, but to start conversations as well. There is really no better way to get to know her than through the interaction you'll have with her in conversation. What you learn through all of this communication will serve as a great starting point, from which you can move on to the following suggestions to fill in any blanks in your knowledge of her.

The point of all of this is to get to know as much as you can about your woman as an individual. So many people think that all women or all men like the same things, which simply is not true.

Although there are a good number of things that a lot of women have in common, there are an equal number of things that they don’t have in common, either. The same can be said for men. For example, if a woman were to assume that all men love football then she’d be dead wrong! Likewise, a man would be wrong to assume that all women love cats. Each woman is unique, so you must take the time to find out what she, as a unique person, really wants before you can seduce her.

Ultimately, it all comes back to what you can learn about her for yourself. While it is helpful to get a few tips from her friends, family, and acquaintances, too much of this type of fact-finding will make her feel more like a suspect in an investigation. So it's back to what you can find out for yourself. And the best possible way to do that is to get her in different settings and see what happens.

I want to reconcile my marriage! If this sounds like you, we can show you how.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hiring a Quality Home Movers

Moving from one dwelling place to another is a normal scene in Singapore. A number of occupants are not home owners. They are just tenants. The reason is that owning a house is not easy especially for non Singaporean citizens who obviously make up the lion's share of Singapore's manpower. Thus housing service is mostly on a yearly contract basis.

Given this real scenario and considering the volatile behavior of the real estate market, the demand for home movers is high in Singapore. While there are many service providers, it pays to do your job in screening out the most dependable home movers particularly if you are short of cash. And the necessity to make a good choice is paramount if you would like proper care on the manner your stuff are transported.

The rate of home movers in Singapore can be quite expensive. It may turn out to be much more costly later if you happen to hire unskilled home movers who can only mess up with your priceless stuffs. Other companies engaged in this service because it is good money and those duly registered and professionaly trained to give moving service. You definitely opt to engage home movers who can offer the best rate and the best service possible.

If there is one good venue to locate these movers in Singapore, it is through the internet. Check on ebay Singapore. Search using the keyword "Singapore home movers" and you can most likely generate a good search list. What makes ebay a good source of info is that you can refer to testimonials of previous clients. Yes, while these feedbacks are not 100% reliable you can have at the minimum an idea on the kind of service.

Also, online forums which are Singapore based in nature can give you some guide on home movers. Just concentrate on heavy traffic blogs and forums. Of course, not missing out the classifieds. Home movers tend to post ads on online classifieds because ad posting here for free, if not at a very minimal rate.

With your filtered list, you expect to tap the most reliable home movers in town which will give lesser hassle house moving service for you.

Here is a recommended Singapore Home Movers

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Understanding All Auto Insurance Claims

If you are involved in an accident it is important that you know the proper procedure for filing an insurance claim. You will most likely need to deal with one or more adjusters who will determine the insurance salvage. Follow these simple tips to make sure you have taken all the necessary steps to collect the correct information and follow the correct procedure.

Do your self a favor and prepare in advance. Know the laws and the reporting requirements of the state you live in and drive in. Always carry an accident package in your car. It should contain paper, pen, and accident reporting form which are available online free from the DMV.

If an accident occurs remain calm and stop your car. If there are injuries do what you can to make the person or persons comfortable. Call the EMT to treat any injured parties and call the police.

If you smell gas or if the car is on fire clear all persons away from the area. Do not move seriously injured people unless it is a threat to their lives to leave them where they are.

If the accident is minor and there is only property damage and no injuries, put your hazard lights on and drive both vehicles to a safe location at the side of the road. Set up flare or reflective triangles in the rear and side of the cars to ensure other motorists are aware of your location.

Both drivers need exchange car insurance information. You also need to exchange the names of the drivers, all passengers in the vehicle, and any witnesses. As well as names you should obtain complete addresses and telephone numbers.

Next you will need to contact your insurance company and if you feel you need to contact a lawyer now is the time to do so.

Your car insurance company will need to collect all pertinent information. They will need the year, make, model, and license plate number of the other car. They will also need the drivers name, address, telephone number, date of birth, and his or her driver’s license number as well as the issuing state.

If the other drive is not insured obtain as much information as you can then notify the police. Both the police and the insurance company will want the full names, addresses, and phone numbers of all witnesses.

If the police attend the accident scene request a business card from the attending officer that gives his full name and how you might reach him.

If you have a digital camera handy take plenty of photos. These days many people have a digital camera built right into their cell phone which is very convenient.

As soon as you are able, write down all details pertaining to the accident. Information such as weather conditions, pavement conditions, visibility and lightening could all become very important in determining who was at fault.

You also need to record the estimated speed of both vehicles. As well do a sketch of the accident scene marking the direction each driver was traveling. Make notes of things such as stop signs, traffic lights, other vehicles on the roadway, and any obstacles.

You should also record all damage to the car and any other property as well as all body injuries no matter how minor they appear.

Whatever you do, do not discuss who is at fault with the other driver. Insurance companies recommend you do not engage in conversation about fault. Give the police officer an account of the accident but in privacy away from the other driver.

Remember no one can force you to give details of the accident or admit blame. You always have the right to consult a lawyer before answering any questions.

Let’s hope you never have to file an insurance claim. But if you are well prepared should an accident occur you will be much more likely to record the necessary information to ensure that your claim proceeds smoothly.

About the Author: Sher has been serving customers for over 20 years as a freelance writer and has been offering information and advice to the consumer. To find out how to save on your auto insurance Please visit us at

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Top Forex Trading Strategies

Does anyone really know where or what are the top Forex trading strategies? Even when you watch the expert commentators they disagree about it and sometimes with great intensity!

What seems to be not up for much debate is how much technology has bridged the gap on how to take supreme advantage of the best Forex trading strategies known to the human race.

During the last few years, the financial and programming communities have come together and designed and implemented automated Forex trading systems or Forex robots that are actually programmed with the top Forex trading strategies.

These sophisticated programs are set to run through an array of algorithmic functions to determine which of the top Forex trading methods to utilize depending on market activity.The new sheriff in town, is a Forex software program that delivers small, but repeatable profits through scalping the Forex! The key here is repeatable, small trades that are profitable.

Critical Note: This is not to be confused with those standard, everyday occurrence "Day Trading" Forex programs. Where are purely talking about a system that scalps the Forex!

Forex scalp trading can also be called "quick trading". It is a method where traders allow their positions to last only for a matter of seconds, even minutes, but rarely longer than that time frame!The reason why someone would want to join the ranks others who own a program that has the top Forex trading strategies designed into it, is because it is possible to make small, repeatable profits, while exposing a trading account to very limited risk; which is a function of the quick in and quick out principle.

5 major advantages to why you should consider an automated program that contains in it the top Forex trading strategies available.

• Virtually all known successful Forex scalping methods are programmed into the software. This means you don't have to know them, because your system handles that for you and executes the trade that is best for market conditions!

• You are not required to have to study charts, graphs and learn complicated formulas. These automated programs fire off instantly, based upon super fast algorithmic calculations and are not bogged down by the human thinking process and ambivalent behavior that most people who trade exhibit!

• Being automated, it will free up tremendous time and energy for you, without you having to stand over your computer every minute that you are in a trade! Set it and forget it! If you have conservatively set your parameters the system should capture regular profits for you!

• Make trades while you sleep! You will discover that you can scalp the Forex while you sleep and make money, if you so choose. The program has the ability to perform unattended, live Forex scalp trading 24 hours daily 5 days per week.

• From the research that we have done, this kind of technology would be considered by most as inexpensive! The bottom-line is that these kind of programs always should price out less than a couple of hundred dollars and offer a money back guarantee associated with them.

You are strongly encourage to set some time aside and learn more.

For more detailed information on The Top Forex Trading Strategies and Automated FOREX scalping visit:

Emini Trading Strategies

30 Minute Emini Day Trading System

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sleeping Cots As Your Best Outdoor Travel Buddy

You may be set to go on a camping, hiking or backpacking trip, and you are already excited to go out into the sunshine, see the sky, smell nature and relax from a busy schedule. And you've already packed food, skewer, knife, jacket, sunscreen, ropes and camera among the things you will be bringing. Now comes the part when you have to choose what sleeping implement you would have to bring or buy. You would have three choices: cots, pads or mattresses.

You are better off looking for sleeping cots if:

(1) You prefer to be elevated from the ground when sleeping because you are afraid of being slept in with crawling objects. Or you want air to circulate under your bed to keep you cool while sleeping during hot conditions. In the same way, you want to keep yourself off from the cool ground when the temperature drops.

(2) Your idea of comfort is not being poked on your thighs and back with sharp objects on the ground like rocks and tree roots.

(3) You want ease in sitting down or getting up. Because a cot is elevated, you can easily get into or out of it like your regular chair or bed.

(4) For the above, you do not mind the carrying and packing considerations that are more tedious than that of just having a sleeping pad. Pads are less bulky, generally lighter in weight and easily rolled or folded.

(5) You do not mind having to set up a bed in a way more complicated than just putting down a sleeping pad but mind inflating a mattress mechanically or with an electric or battery-operated pump. Cots would have frames that you pull off to stretch a fabric you'd be sleeping on.

(6) You do not mind buying a high-end model of a cot that costs as much as a similarly sized mattress.

So when comparing sleeping cots, what should you look into?

Comfort. The only way to know this is to test the cot out by sitting or lying down on it. Get the feel of the material and the design and see whether everything feels just right for you.

Size. There's nothing as uncomfortable as sleeping in a bed that is undersized -- narrow or not long enough for your comfort. A good cot for you should enable you to reasonably move -- especially if you're one to move a lot -- without fear of falling off in the middle of the night.

Stability. Look at the framing of the legs whether it is straight and level and could hold when placed on uneven ground.

Ease of set up and dismantling. As you would undergo this process before and after sleeping, look for cots that are easily and nicely laid down and folded up.

Weight. As bulk and weight is a consideration for carrying your cots, look for ones that are as lightweight and as compactly packed as possible. Know whether the cot comes in a storage bag, whether the bag has a sling, and whether the sling is adjustable.

Durability and water-resistant quality of fabric. Inspect whether the stitching is secure and strong enough. Know whether the cloth is waterproof or is able to dry off quickly.

For more tips and information about sleeping cots, check out

travel cot - baby travel crib

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How to Get Focused on Your Drumming

Remember the times when you knew you should practice your drums, but just didn't feel like messing with it? It's at those times you lacked focus.

There was a time when I had a studio session to attend to lay down some drum tracks and I simply was not in the mood at all. Hey, I was tired! It was Friday afternoon, it was a long, hard week, and I was done! While driving to the studio that day my mind was consumed with pretty much just wanting to watch television.

Anyway, I remember driving up to the drum studio and thinking, "Man, I don't want to be doing this right now." But, I decided I better get focused on my drumming because time is money in the studio. If you have ever bought studio time you know what I mean.

Well, on the way to the drum studio I began thinking about the songs I was about to lay down the drum tracks for. I also began thinking about the fact that my drum tracks will be permanent. People will hear them and I want my tracks to be as close to perfection as I can get them. I knew I had to somehow get focused and get in the mood - right NOW!

So many people will use any excuse for not doing something because they are simply not in the mood. When it comes to responsibility, whether a person is in the mood or not, it doesn't matter. If you have booked studio drum time and paid good money for it you better be in the mood, or at least get in the mood!

The best way I have found to change my mood at any given time about something is to simply begin thinking in a different manner. Feelings follow thoughts, and given that fact, I basically just changed my thinking.

I decided to clear my mind of all the noise in my head and only mentally listen to the songs I was laying drum tracks for. I tapped on my steering wheel as I drove along, and honestly, it wasn't even just a few short minutes until I was starting to "feel it." By the time I arrived at the drum studio I was more than ready to play my drums.

The next time you have an appointment with your drum set, but just don't feel like drumming, you are not focused. Just know you can change your focus at any given time. Because your feelings follow your thoughts, you can change your thinking and automatically change your mood.

Dan Brown has been drumming since 1976. Sign up for his FREE weekly newsletter and get tips, ideas, articles, and merchandise!

beat making - drum samples

Best Gifts for Baby Boys

So, you’re scouting for a suitable gift for a cuddly baby boy and you don’t know where or how to start especially if you can just spare a limited time of your busy world. There’s no need to panic because shopping for a baby boy gift is easy as long as you know what to look for. Below are a few gift ideas to make your shopping a trouble-free one:

1. Educational Baby Toys: If your objective is to keep the baby entertained while he learns; then, these toys are a great option. There’s a wide variety of educational toys available. There are learning activity and puzzle toys available for you to choose from that helps stimulate the child’s mental ability and growth development. Surely, the parents and the child will have a wonderful time bonding with each other through these toys.

2. Baby Booties: With the emerging fashion trend in shoes today, baby booties are of no exception. Baby booties are designed to keep the baby toes warm no matter what the temperature is. Look for designs that match with the personality of the baby or his aura.

3. Baby Hats: Baby hats that have attractive designs are hard to resist especially those that resemble like that of a baby animal. With ear flaps, eyes, and nose attached on the hat, it sure is very appealing to the child’s tastes.

4. Baby Hooded Towels: Cute hooded towels are fitting for an after bath or dip in the pool time. Made with quick-drying fabrics, these towels are safe for the baby’s sensitive skin and are very cuddly to use. The baby will surely enjoy these.

5. Baby Animal Slippers: These funky animal slippers are must-haves for cute baby boys. They are perfect in keeping the baby’s feet warm inside the house. You’ll be sure the baby will have fun wearing these adorable slippers.

6. Bodysuit: A baby bodysuit is the basis for nearly every baby outfit. It offers an easy way to give your baby an extra layer of warmth during cold weathers. There are wide selections of bodysuits available in the market today. Basic, solid colors are perfect for the baby boy.

7. Mini-Playground: If you’re that extravagant, you can purchase a mini-playground or a mini-gym. Although they can be pricey, baby boys will surely love this one. As we all know, boys are very active and they love to run and play around. Mini-playgrounds and mini-gyms provide a lot of activities for small boys. These minis are complete with stairs, slide and sometimes, a steering wheel. They also have small doors that the baby could open and close as frequent as he wants for his enjoyment.

8. Ride-on Toys: Ride-on toys are very popular for baby boys even at a very young age. Baby boys love being behind the wheel while parents love the durability. Riding toys include wagons, rocking toys, pedal toys and a lot more variety. Baby boys and their parents will certainly enjoy playing with these wonderful toys.

For the best baby gifts, visit Simply Unique Baby Gifts where you will find a large selection of baby gift baskets for boy, girls, unisex and twins.