Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Reasons for refunding products

So now that you've finally decided to buy that product and can not wait to try it out , you need to know that this is anything but what you expected. Don't worry about it, you still have a chance to get your money back with the following tips for getting an quick product refund.

1. Wrong advertising

"Get 10.000 hits to tour site in a whole day". Such tempting promises might sure make you wanna flip out your credit card immediately. But when you practice the methods or use the software and have to find out that those 10.000 hits might really result in 10, then this is a legitimate reason for requesting a refund. Unfortunately it's not always that easy. Many vendors get around such wrong advertising by stating in the fine print that these results can not be guaranteed. Therefore always keep an eye on such statements and if you can not believe what's advertised then search for product reviews using your favorite search engine.

2. Product outdated

Believe it or not, but I've seen products that were advertised and still happily took the money out of the customers' pockets but were totally outdated or did not work anymore. I once bought a product that could not be downloaded anymore but still had the sales page up and running, it even displayed the current date indicating the end of a special promotion. Every try to contact the creator of the software failed and after I read in a forum that I wasn't the only one not being able to download the software,I contacted the credit card processing company and got my money back.

3. Usability

Not every software is very user friendly as Windows (you got the joke, right?!), which can be frustrating if you want nothing more than use it immediately. For most complex software products there exist written tutorials that perfecly describe how to use them and sometimes even video tutorials that make the product handling even easier. If you've read and watched all tutorials and still cannot manage to use the product, then state this to the creator and you should get that refund.
If you've reached the product creator and still were non able to take a refund despite some legitimate and good reasons, not all hope is gone. Most market places offer a refund guarantee for products that were sold through them (e. g. Clickbank offers its customers a general refund policy of 8 weeks after the product purchase, for a seller like PayDotCom you have to contact the credit card processor like Paypal which has a refund policy of 60 days).

It is always suggested to clearly state the cause for your product return and to keep a friendly communication style. Even if the product is not worth a single penny it doesn't make things easier when you insult the creator. Try to show that you've really trying to use the product in an good way, maybe tie some screenshots, include suggestions what could be better, etc. The product creator might drooping you as a customer but still can benefit from your experience and will almost of the time happily give you the refund.

Whatever you do, please be fair.Its not just right to purchase a product and you will request a refund to get your money back, but continue to use the product. Most marketplaces (Clickbank, PayDotCom) tolerate 2 or even more refunds, but after that you might not be able to purchase anything again through the specific company.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Network Marketing Success- Network Marketing Success 5 Most

Do you know the 5 most powerful Secrets of Network Marketing Success? It is the combination to the Success Vault! Read on!

Network Marketing Success is very elusive, as most do not know the Combination of the Lock of Network Marketing Success. Most folks are too busy "working the business" to ever become successful in Network Marketing. You need to understand that most people are "Locked Out" of Success because they don't know the 5 Most Powerful Secrets of Network Marketing Success.

These Secrets could be considered a 'Combination" to the Lock of Success in Network Marketing.

What are those 5 Most Powerful Secrets?

1) Don't Recruit Anyone.

You read that right. Don't recruit anyone. Why? When you are focused on recruiting people, there will be a natural resistance to you, and to your intentions. Recruiting is a great process, but it has many better roads to get you there.

Let me ask you a question: Would you like to be recruited because someone wants you to become a paycheck for them? Of course not. That is why that most people don't want to feel like they are being recruited either.

Dont' recruit anyone. Solve a life problem that they have with the solutions your business offers. Find out what they want to change for the better in their life, and then show them how you can your Network marketing business can help.

2) Don't do a presentation.

When you are doing a presentation, many times, people feel they are being "pitched" like a used car salesman, and are turned off by it. That is not what you need to do.

Don't do a presentation. Hold A Conversation. One that contains the details of what you want to cover. People feel so much more comfortable with a conversation, than being pitched a new deal, a new thing, a new opportunity.

When you hold a conversation, people are put at ease, and the red flags that go up with a "pitch" are not there, and people will listen more closely to you.

3) Don't follow up.

When you are following up, it feels like you are following up to sell them, or recruit them. That is going to set the red flags up a lot.

Don't follow up. RECONNECT.

When you reconnect, there is a whole different feeling, and a whole different result. You are reconnecting to simply see if a person has any questions, and to see how you can help. You are reconnecting to simply let them know you only want what is best for them, and their family.

Don't follow up. That will only let you down over the long haul. Reconnect and stay plugged into Network Marketing Success.

4) Don't Close Anyone.

Closing is NOT the way to get the order. When people feel they are being "closed," they immediately go into the "you are not going to close me" mode.

Don't close anyone. OPEN them up to a bigger future, bigger thinking, bigger expectations in life, bigger income, bigger Success, and a bigger life. What would be more appealling to you? Being CLOSED, or OPENED to a whole new future?

Don't close anyone. That shuts the door many times to other possibilities. OPEN their minds and hearts to possibilities they never thought possible.

5) Don't just Sign them up- EVER.

When people are signed up, they feel like they are joining something. Nothing wrong with that. But there is a better focus than just joining something.

What would be a better perspective? Signing someone up to join a Network Marketing company, or forming your own distribution company and becoming CEO of it, and then selecting a vehicle and products to market through it?

Perspective needs to be that you are an entrepreneur, and have chosen to form a business in the industry of distribution, and you are going to put together a team of like minded folks that will work together to build a business that can offer customers quality products and services at a fair price.

Network Marketing Success is easier, if you know the combination to the Success Vault in Network Marketing.

Here is the combination to The Network Marketing Success Vault:

  1. Don't Recruit

  2. Don't Present

  3. Don't Follow Up

  4. Don't Close

  5. Don't Sign People Up

If you follow this Combination, and practice it daily, you will have found the Secret to Opening the Success Vault and all the treasuries found within it of Network Marketing Success.


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